💥 Supramolecular chemistry to capture CO2 more efficiently

2024-06-18 06:00:04

One of the techniques for trapping CO2 uses amines, organic nitrogen molecules with which this gas easily binds. CNRS chemists show that when these amines are enclosed in a cage molecule (capable of encapsulating other molecules) by supramolecular chemistrythe capture gas becomes much more efficient. These results can be found in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

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Among the various technologies aimed at capturing gaseous CO2, one of the most effective techniques uses amines, a family of nitrogenous organic molecules with which this gas is greenhouse is likely to react. Two reaction products are then formed in parallel: carbonates ofammoniumcompounds which find a wide range of domestic and industrial applications in the food industry (acidity regulator, raising agent, etc.), and ammonium carbamates, a source ofammonia widely used in industry and involved in the synthesis ofurea massively used as fertilizer. However, the large-scale deployment of this technology is hampered by excessively high energy costs. Hence the need to find new amine formulations capable of capturing larger quantities of carbon dioxide for the same or even lower energy cost.

In this context, chemists from the Institute of chemistry et biochemistry molecular and supramolecular (CNRS/University Claude Bernard Lyon 1) show that the formation of supramolecular complexes between a molecule organic which acts as a cage and polyamines shift the CO2 capture balances in water towards the almost exclusive formation of ammonium carbonates, leading to a quantity of CO2 trapped by polyamine much more important. They analyze the reactions in terms ofenergy brought into play during these equilibrium shifts involving covalent and non-covalent bonds.

Beyond the new fundamental knowledge, this study highlights the role that supramolecular chemistry could play in this major environmental challenge.

Editor: CCdM

T. Chetot, F. Marocco Stuardi, A. Forot, M. Ducreux, A. Baudouin, E. Chefdeville, F. Perret, L. Vial, J. Leclaire.
Switching between Non-isoenergetic Dynamic Covalent Reactions using Host-guest Chemistry
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024

#Supramolecular #chemistry #capture #CO2 #efficiently



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