Chilling Stories from the Frontlines: Haunting Encounters in Medical Institutions

2023-12-12 13:47:22

We sincerely admire people whose profession is related to saving lives and taking care of our health. We present a selection of stories from workers of medical institutions, reading which you involuntarily feel a chill running down your spine. These people had to face phenomena that they were unlikely to be told regarding in universities and colleges.

  • When I interned in an obstetrics hospital, my night shift ended around 2 am. Returning from there, I sometimes saw a girl regarding 5–7 years old playing in the hall. When I brought this up with one of my professors, he said they were just playing and wouldn’t do any harm if you pretended not to notice them. © nmcjj21 / Reddit
  • I work as a nurse and on the evening shift we usually serve food to patients. I want to say right away: nothing “paranormal” has ever happened to me, I have good eyesight and I can pay attention to details. So, one day my colleague and I were serving dinner to patients. We arrive in a 4-bed ward, I give food to one woman, help her sit more comfortably and all that. And then I notice that there is another patient in the room, she is sitting on the bed, and we don’t have dinner for her. I think: “Well, I probably just got admitted recently.” I smile at her and go look for more food to feed her too. I return to the room, preparing to apologize to her, but this woman is not there. There is not even any trace that she was there at all, such as her belongings or bedding. But I definitely remember how I smiled at her and how embarrassed I felt because I mightn’t give her dinner! On the other hand, I wasn’t scared at all. © kok0_ro / Reddit
  • There was a guy working in our department, a medical technician. He was very tall and during night shifts he often pushed his cart with an ECG machine along the corridor. Unfortunately, he died tragically during his honeymoon. For several weeks following this, during night shifts, one of our nurses (she was pregnant) at the stroke of midnight would stop whatever she was doing and say in a quiet, trembling voice, “Look, there he comes.” They asked her: “Who?” And she answered: “The tall guy with the ECG.” And then it all stopped. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I worked in a nursing home that had very squeaky floors in the hallway and bedroom. So it wasn’t a problem, but at that time I was working alone on the night shift, and all the patients were in bed. I was cleaning and kept hearing footsteps and closing doors. I left most of the lights on because I was scared. © Tim_curry_lover / Reddit
  • I work as a nurse in a maternity hospital. One day, in an empty ward at night, a lullaby suddenly began to play – it is usually played when a child is born. The melody sounded twice, and then we turned off the system, saying it was broken. But that same night in this room the lullaby started once more, and then once more a few days later. However, the system was still disabled. © D***kOnSushi / Reddit
  • I’m studying to be a nurse and working. One of my patients once asked: “Do you feel cold when you sit at the computer? Don’t worry, it’s just a nurse who worked here a long time ago. She doesn’t understand these new technologies of yours, but she’s trying to learn.” And I always had the feeling that someone seemed to be looking over my shoulder when I was sitting at the computer. His words made me feel terrible. © kingdomofdramallamas / Reddit

“You just had to talk to yourself and explain to “her” how a computer works! And see what happens next. Maybe she would have left? She seemed to be friendly.” © Dreamy-cloud-club / Reddit

  • I worked at a children’s hospital in the intensive care unit. One day I was on duty and at regarding 3 am I decided to take a coffee break. I’m walking up the stairs to the cafeteria and suddenly I see a child jumping down the corridor. I called out to him – I thought he had left the room. And he just disappears. Of course, I then chalked it all up to simple fatigue, but many other nurses and doctors said that they saw the same child in the same corridor. I didn’t use those stairs once more at night. © agf0605 / Reddit
  • Something strange happened to me one day. I work as a nurse in the intensive care unit. While I was on duty, a snowstorm broke out. I decided not to go home for the night, because they might call me to work at any moment, and went to sleep on the sofa in the rest room. I was dozing and at some point I began to fall into this state between sleep and reality and immediately felt that there was someone in the room next to me. I didn’t see him, I just felt a wild rage, so strong that it was impossible to contain it. It was like someone was angry that I was here and I was still alive. And then someone fell on me, pierced right through me and seemed to scream wildly. And then it all suddenly ended and I woke up. I’ve had sleep paralysis before, I know perfectly well what it is. This time everything was completely different. For the first time in my life I felt such rage. Well, the icing on the cake: all this happened at 3 am. © lucidzealot / Reddit
  • I am a psychiatrist and while still studying, I worked for six months in a department that was located in the building of a hundred-year-old psychiatric hospital. At the beginning, when I was completely new there, one of the patients complained to me that her baby’s crying kept her from sleeping at night. I thought this was some kind of nonsense, because the children were not in the hospital, there were no residential areas nearby, and visiting hours were strictly limited. But my nurse said that the baby actually cries here sometimes. I brushed it off then, but 3 months later I heard it myself. It seemed as if the child was behind two or three walls. Since then I began to hear it regularly. When I told the new girl, also a doctor, regarding this, she didn’t believe me. And then she came to me, white as chalk, and said that she also heard a child crying during her coffee break. © nicholasdennett / Reddit
  • I worked in a nursing home for many years. One of my new charges began calling staff to her room at night. She said that a woman came to her and tried to talk to her. At first I chalked it up to the fact that she was over 90 and sick, and promised that I would lock the door at night so that no one might enter her. Be that as it may, this continued for another week. And then I sat down next to my patient and asked her to describe what this woman looks like and what comes to her. The patient said she was wearing a pink robe, blue fluffy slippers on her feet, and curlers on her head. And she allegedly came, sat on the bed at the feet of my new charge and said something. It was just impossible to make out what. I was very scared then. The fact is that my previous patient, who occupied this room until her death, went to bed every night in a pink robe, blue slippers and with curlers on her head. She stopped showing up following another two weeks. © difficultlemon_ / Reddit
  • My mother works in a hospital. One day there was a hurricane, the building suffered a lot of damage and the administration chose to close the entire floor instead of repairing it. There used to be a pediatrics floor there. When people now go up there, they can clearly hear the cries of babies, although the upper floor is completely abandoned, and the lower floor is reserved for adult patients. © myusernistaken / Reddit
  • My mother worked as a night nurse in a hospital. People told her that something strange was happening there. One day a little girl was admitted to the department. Her parents did not always stay with her at night, so my mother tried to visit her more often during her shifts. One evening, the mother asked the girl if she was scared at night. She replied: “No. I’m not afraid because the old lady comes to read to me every evening and sits next to my bed until I fall asleep.” This shocked my mother because elderly women did not work in that department at night, and she was usually the only one on duty at that time. It wasn’t that scary, but she always remembers it as one of the craziest things that has ever happened to a medical professional. © bratterpillar / Reddit
  • A little boy was brought to our hospital in an ambulance. He had a cold, it seemed nothing serious, but every day he got worse. At the hospital, the boy talked regarding his little sister named Hannah. In the end, the baby became very ill and we might not save him. I remember my state in those days. I had a son regarding the same age and a daughter named Hannah.
    Fast forward 2 years. A married couple with a sick baby comes to us. I recognize them, they recognize me. Their little daughter, my new patient, is named Hannah. It seemed to me that when their eldest son talked regarding his sister, it was regarding the girl who was waiting for him at home. But no. She wasn’t even alive then! The baby recovered and returned home with her parents. I will never forget a little boy and his sister named Hannah. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I’m a night nurse on the maternity ward, and everyone who works here has their own “horror story.” Here’s mine. I was on duty, and among my patients there was only one young mother with her child. She knew that there was no one else there except us. Probably around 2 o’clock she turned on the light. I go to her, and she says: “Is there another girl here?” I answer: “No. Why are you asking?” It turns out that she woke up because she heard some loud knocking, and then the crying of a baby and his mother in the next room. I assured her that there was no one else there except us. But we both felt uneasy, of course. © Ashes2493 / Reddit
  • One day the patient went for an x-ray. About five minutes later we heard a call from his room. My colleague and I entered there and saw that the room was empty and the windows were closed. There wasn’t even a bed! We told the experienced nurse regarding this, but even she had no idea where the bed had gone. I’m still studying to become a nurse, and so far this is the most incredible thing that has happened to me. © DumbleTheDoor / Reddit
  • It was a planned operation, nothing special. Everything went well, and the patient was supposed to go home the next morning. The night before he said he saw his late wife at the window. The room was on the 6th floor. And then the patient asked for tea. When the nurse brought him the drink, the man had already died. © meropenem24 / Reddit

In this article you can read regarding the poor souls who met doctors from whom you want to run away without looking back. But we are sure that there are many more good doctors, and sometimes they also get it from patients and their parents, like this doctor, to whom his mother brought her adult son for an appointment. And here are many stories regarding the sense of humor of medical workers.

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