“Chilean Senator Ximena Rincón Clarifies State Funding Misconception in Latest Isapres Proposal”

2023-05-29 23:30:38

The Democrat senator, Ximena Rincón, hopes that “the government will retract and clarify that in No part” his project “considers passing State money to the isapres”.

During this day, the Government spokesperson, Camila Vallejo, revealed that she called Democratic senators Ximena Rincón and Matías Walker, following the controversy generated by the Secom bill regarding the “alternative” project on the isapres.

It was a document prepared by the unit under the Ministry of the General Secretariat of Government (Segegob)where they mention the opposition parliamentarians who -together with three other senators- presented the initiative in the Senate.

Let us remember that both parliamentarians announced the freezing of relations with the Government, following knowing the minutes.

Following Minister Vallejo’s apologies, Rincón said that “as senators and as a Democratic party, we accept Minister Vallejo’s apologies. But apologies are not enough here.

“We want to reach agreements to achieve a solution for the millions of Chileans who remain uncertain regarding their health plans and to work on it, it is essential not to misinform the public,” said the parliamentarian.

“Alternative” projects of the isapres

In this sense, Rincón explained that “the proposal that we have presented seeks precisely that the Isapres comply with the Supreme Court ruling. The Isapres must pay, however, the Government has installed the idea that our project considers transferring money from the State to the Isapres, which is totally false”.

“We hope that the Government retracts that assertion and clarifies that it was wrong. We must be responsible and find a way for the Isapres to pay and comply with the ruling, without causing greater damage that means the complete collapse of the public and private system with the consequences for people, since that will be synonymous with leaving millions of Chileans without health,” said the legislator.

Supreme Court ruling

It is worth mentioning that the constitutional reform project presented by the president of Democrats was the first proposal made and was made at the end of December 2022 and not as an alternative to the short government bill that came much later.

“When Minister Vallejo contacted me, I told her that apologies were not enough, that the Government had to clarify that there is no transfer of State resources to the Isapres in the project that we are presenting, since in no paragraph is there an approach of this nature” said the parliamentarian.

Finally, the senator stressed that the Government cannot “insist on false assertions”, adding that what is important is that it review the projects -which with different formulas and times- seek to solve the same problem. “The time has come for the government to lower the ideological banners and get down to work,” she said.

#Apologies #hope #Government #retracts



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