Chile is the only country in Latin America that does not have a visa to the US. How did you achieve it? – Travel – Life

How viable is that? The United States lifts the American visa for Colombians? That is the debate that opened in public opinion following the announcement on October 11 by the Colombian ambassador to that country, Luis Gilberto Murillo.

While the formal proposal that the government of Gustavo Petro will present to that country is being structuredit is important to take a look at other nations that have already managed to take that step and that today have a faster and simpler migration process to the United States.

This was made possible by a program passed by the United States Congress in 1986 called Visa waiver or also known as visa Waiver Program. Currently 40 countries are part of this initiative, most of which are from Europe and Asia. Such as Belgium, Italy, Spain, Japan and Singapore, among others.

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In Latin America, two countries have enjoyed this benefit. Chile and Argentina, but the latter lost that benefit in 2002. In this sense, the only country in Latin America that currently has the program in force Visa Waiver Program since 2014 is Chile. How did she do it?

What the experts say

In an interview with EL TIEMPO, Macarena Fernández Undurraga, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Alba in Chile, explains that the entry of the southern country into the program It was possible thanks to the free trade agreement signed with the United States.

“When Chile negotiates the free trade agreement with the United States, within the regulations, especially those that have to do with the business chapter, it is established that in business trips Chile will apply to the program visa Waiver Program. And indeed it was achieved. This initiative arises more for business than for commercial exchange; however, it works for both, because it replaces the B1 and B2 visas,” explains Fernández.

The academic affirms that the application of Chile was possible due to the importance of the treaty. “The United States is the second most important country in trade with Chile, the first is China. It is one of the largest bilateral agreements we have with that country,” she adds.

The United States is the second most important country in commercial exchange with Chile, the first being China. This is one of the largest bilateral agreements we have with that country

But the free trade agreement was not enough, because the neighboring country had to comply with some requirements demanded by the United States.

(Can read: Visa to the United States: Does Colombia have what it takes to eliminate the requirement?).

This explains it Alvaro Bellolio, former national director of the Chilean National Migration Service. “The requirements are at the security level, obtaining passports and revisions every one or two years to keep the program in force. For example, last year Chile put out a tender for its civil registry system and a Chinese company won it, and for reasons of visa Waiver security, that tender had to be revoked, for which reason a new process was carried out that meets high standards of protectionBellolio points out.

Regarding the issue of obtaining passports, the former director points out that the United States requested attention to the regularity of travelers. “That is, to review how many cases of Chileans with a Waiver visa remain (to live) in the United States and generate an overstay, which, if very high, puts the process at risk.”

He says that although he does not have the updated data, the United States begins to generate alerts when the 1 or 2 percent of Chilean travelers do not return to their country. “Currently the number of Chileans who visit North America and stay is regarding 0.5 percent,” he says.

‘We’re going on vacation’

Analysts say the main reason why the US government has maintained the Waiver visa is precisely because of the low numbers of irregular migration.

“Chileans in general go to the United States for vacations, shopping, they go to Disneyland. There is a small group that goes to study, to work as teachers, but to seek the American dream is very little. In Chile, the look towards that country is for consumption,” says Fernandez.

Regarding the benefits of the B1 and B2 visa exemption, experts argue that Chile has boosted the generation of business, especially in the real estate sector in Miami, Florida. They also claim a rapid growth in opportunities for professional development, sports and investment.

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How does the Visa Waiver work?

In Chile, anyone with a valid passport can apply for the Waiver visa. It is requested through a digital platform, allows a stay of 90 days in the United States and must be renewed every two years.

“The request for the procedure takes a maximum of two weeks. Today it costs 21 dollars, unlike the 160 dollars that the B1-B2 visa costs. The big difference with these last visas is that they have a duration of 10 years, but to issue them a number of paperwork is necessary, an interview at the consulate, certificates, etc,” explains the dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Alba in Chile.

And he adds: “Instead, the Waiver is an affidavit that is filled out online, a box is completed through the Electronic System for Travel Authorization. The information is sent and they respond (United States) via mail. A Once accepted, it must be printed and that’s it. You don’t need to stamp something on the passport”, details the academic.


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