Children’s Hospital Lahore: ‘First successful’ bone marrow transplant for blood cancer

‘Ibrahim wanted to hug me when he came home from the hospital, but I told him, son, that would have to wait.’

Zahil Butt’s voice was full while telling this to Independent Urdu. Zahil Butt is the father of ten-year-old Ibrahim.

Children’s Hospital Lahore According to Dr. Nasir of Ibrahim Khoon Cancer I was suffering and after a successful bone marrow transplant, he is now back home.

Head of Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, Children’s Hospital, Lahore, who performed Ibrahim’s bone marrow transplant. Dr Syed Nasir Abbas Bukhari while talking to Independent Urdu said: ‘In any government hospital of Pakistan. This is the first bone marrow transplant done for blood cancer.’

He said that ‘this transplant has been done in a couple of private hospitals, but this has been done for the first time at the official level.’

Ibrahim’s father said that ‘Ibrahim first got cancer at the age of six and a half, after which we treated him for three years and he became healthy. But after a few months the cancer returned.’

Dr. Nasir said that ten-year-old Ibrahim is from us Treatment but his illness returned.

‘Ibrahim had two options either to have a bone marrow transplant or to spend a certain amount of time in the world and leave the world.’

According to Dr. Nasir, ‘It was a risky transplant and we put everything in front of the family. Ibrahim’s family also knew that they had no other choice. Nor were they financially strong enough to afford treatment from a private hospital or abroad, so they were willing to take the risk of Ibrahim’s transplant.

Ibrahim’s father, Zahil, who is a Daily Wager, said: ‘We had given up hope but the doctors at the Children’s Hospital made the impossible possible. Allah sent them as angels.’

Dr Nasir said that ‘Ibrahim’s parents gave their consent (consent letter) before the transplant, after which we matched Ibrahim and he was matched with his own sister who is two years older than him. We took his bone marrow and transplanted Ibrahim’s bone marrow.’

Dr. Nasir said that ‘the entire process of transplant took one and a half months.
“We did the transplant on November 10 and on November 28 we discharged Ibrahim from the hospital with a normal bone marrow, but before that we had to remove his entire marrow, which took at least 14 days. It seems.’

How many stages are there in a bone marrow transplant?

Dr. Nasir said that there are three stages of bone marrow transplant, for example, if a crop in our land is damaged, the first stage will be to clean the crop completely so that we get the land free. go

“The second step will be to plant the new seed and the third step will be to see that there is a new crop that is normal.”

According to him, ‘Bone marrow transplant is exactly like this example. In the first step, we completely clean the bone marrow from the body.

‘The second step is to transplant the new bone marrow and the third step is engraftment, when the new bone marrow starts working inside the body and it takes two to three weeks for the bone marrow to start working.’

“The same thing happened in Ibrahim’s case that when Ibrahim was reported to us three and a half months ago after the cancer reappeared, we removed his entire bone marrow with chemotherapy and when the result of the cancer came back negative. We did his bone marrow transplant before the cancer reappeared.’

How is bone marrow taken?

Dr Nasir said that ‘when the bone marrow is taken, first we see how much the patient’s weight is, how much is his size, what is his condition, based on how many cells we need, which will be enough for a child under treatment. .’

He said that the function of bone marrow is to make blood, red cells, white cells, platelets and to create immunity in the body. When we completely eliminate the patient’s own bone marrow, obviously these three things are not made and the patient’s immunity is zero, his blood completely stops forming, platelets completely stop forming.

We are also afraid of bleeding from the patient’s body. We are artificially providing the natural function of the bone marrow to the patient from outside the body and we provide this support until the bone marrow starts working.

He said that ‘During the entire process of bone marrow transplant, the patient is admitted to our hospital and is kept in a special environment where the air is filtered and the rest of the pressure is also maintained because The patient’s own immunity is zero and any germ, bacteria or virus can attack him and this is the most dangerous stage where the patient is most likely to die.’

“After all this, when the patient’s new bone marrow starts working, then we say a successful transplant has taken place,” he said.

Are there any risks to being a bone marrow donor?

According to Dr. Nasir, ‘There is no risk to the bone marrow donor in bone marrow transplant. In Ibrahim’s case, his sister had donated the bone marrow and she went home the next day.’

How much does a bone marrow transplant cost in blood cancer?

Dr. Nasir said that a bone marrow transplant for blood cancer costs at least 50 lakh rupees in a private hospital, but no money was collected from Ibrahim’s parents for treatment at the Children’s Hospital Lahore. We did not ask them to buy even a single injection, even food was given to them by the hospital.’

Ibrahim’s father Zahil Butt also confirmed that he did not spend any money for his treatment at the hospital, but since he is a resident of Kashmir and used to work here in Lahore, Ibrahim should also be treated in Lahore. Therefore, they had to sell their house in Kashmir and rent a house in Lahore.

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According to him, the cost of going to and from the hospital, then the cost of renting a house here. If the family was together, we had to pay for food and drink, so these things cost us money, but we did not have to spend any money for treatment.’

“Now that Ibrahim has returned, I have rented another small house near the hospital where Ibrahim and his mother live,” he says. Took this house because one he lives near the hospital and the doctors have just told him to be isolated so I’m not staying there myself just he and his mom are there so that he doesn’t have to meet anyone as much as possible. can be saved.’

According to Dr. Nasir, ‘Ibrahim’s bone marrow is working but his immunity is weak now, so he will have to be careful for at least six months to a year so that Irahim does not get any infections.’

He said that the government and our donors provided money for Ibrahim’s bone marrow transplant and in Children’s Hospital we have done various transplants for children suffering from various diseases, but we have never charged a single rupee from any patient. Didn’t even take it.’

Dr. Nasir said that ‘Transplant facility was started in Children’s Hospital from 2018.

“It has started transplants for thalassemia, immunodeficiency, congenital disorders and now cancer.”

He said, ‘After the first successful bone marrow transplant for blood cancer, we want to let people know that this facility is available at Children’s Hospital and if the cancer comes back, it is treatable and they need not panic. is not Even if a patient does not have money, we can arrange funds for them.’

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2024-09-23 17:00:38



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