Children go to class at home, husband vomits and diarrhoea, Zhu Xinyi collapses: Heaven is going to kill me | Entertainment | CTWANT

Zhu Xinyi posted a post revealing that there was a low tide. (Photo/Photo taken by Zhu Xinyi’s Facebook)

Zhu Xinyi, who suffers from breast cancer, always maintains a positive attitude towards chemotherapy, but she actually has a low ebb, “Someone asked me, when you are so seriously ill, isn’t there a time when you are not so optimistic? Of course there is! I am not God!” She just finished chemotherapy and felt very uncomfortable, her child had to study at home, and her husband Wesley vomited and had diarrhea for three days, “I really feel like God is going to kill me.”

Zhu Xinyi posted on Facebook on the 29th that she had just finished her 6th chemotherapy and was originally expected to rest at home. She said, “The time of dizziness changed from 5 days at the beginning to 14 days, and then the hands and feet were numb.” What broke down was, “First, the preventive suspension of Dibao’s school, and then the two little ones were also suspended at home. My husband vomited and had diarrhea for 3 days. I really felt that God was going to kill me.”

Zhu Xinyi sighed that the number of confirmed cases in Taiwan is increasing every day, and as a parent, she is also worried, but she thinks it is better to be prepared instead of complaining all the time, “After the practice of closing classes last year, Dibao can already go online on time, and then do homework. After writing the photo and uploading it, she felt that the child has really improved. She mentioned that during the epidemic, it is necessary to let go of the child in time. “The three are noisy at home, but let them practice and have fun at the right time, and let them have a balanced nutrition. The resistance is better, and there are many viruses and bacteria outside, so don’t walk around.”

In the end, Zhu Xinyi also thanked all walks of life for their efforts. “Officials, medical staff, grass-roots administrators, teachers, and parents, everyone has worked hard.” I hope everyone will work together in the epidemic. “Be careful with epidemic prevention but don’t be overly anxious.”

3 hours following this article was exposed, more than 8,100 netizens pressed the emoji, and more than 400 left comments. Netizens said, “Strong, great, brave, I really appreciate you”, “Come on! I’m also here, the pain of chemotherapy is really bad. It’s not something that others can feel.” The anchor Zheng Kaiyun left a message, “Mom must first stabilize and take good care of her body, and the children will be fine.”



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