A young girl named Diya Fatima from Mankamkuzhi Kallithundam Parankamkoota saved two-year-old Kunjanujan from drowning in a well. Diya, who lives in a rented home with her family, was seeking the life of her younger brother when she heard the commotion. Ivan had fallen into the well following stepping on the pump and climbing over the rusty iron cover. The well was over 20 feet deep, but Diya climbed down through the PVC pipe and held Ivan to her chest, while using her other hand to hold onto the pipe. Neighbors heard Shajila’s screams and came to help, taking both children out of the well. Ivan only sustained minor injuries on his head and is being cared for at the pediatric intensive care unit of Alappuzha Medical College Hospital. Diya, who is in the third grade at Vettiyar Tanpanpallikkutam Govt. school, was unharmed.
Mavelikara: An eight-year-old girl saved the two-year-old Kunjanujan who drowned in the well by climbing down through the pipe and holding him to his chest. Diya Fatima of a family living on rent in Mankamkuzhi Kallithundam Parankamkoota is adventurously seeking the life of her younger brother Ivan (Aku).
The incident happened around 5 pm yesterday. Mother Shajila was washing dishes in the yard. While Diya and her younger sister Dunia were taking clothes from Aya, Ivan cut his eyes and stepped on the pump near the well, climbing over the iron-clad well. The middle part of the rusty iron cover broke and the boy fell into the well. The well is more than 20 feet deep.
Hearing the sound, Diya ran and saw Kunjanujan kicking his feet under the well. I didn’t think regarding it anymore. He climbed down through the PVC pipe to the well and picked up Ivan and held him to his breast. He held the pipe with his other hand. Neighbors Akhil Chandran, Benoi and Alex Reed worker Munna, who came running following hearing Shajila’s screams, took the two children out of the well.
Ivan, who sustained minor injuries on his head, is under observation in the pediatric intensive care unit of Alappuzha Medical College Hospital. The doctors said not to worry. Diya is not hurt. Ivan’s father, Sanal, a native of Alappuzha, was at work in Erumeli. Vettiyar Tanpanpallikkutam Govt. Diya is a third class student in the school.
English Summary : Third standard student rescued 2 year old child from well
This heartwarming story reminds us of the extraordinary bravery and selflessness that can be found in even the youngest members of our society. Diya Fatima’s quick thinking and courageous actions have saved a life and inspired us all. It is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit that even in the face of danger, we can rise to the occasion and do what needs to be done. We applaud Diya for her heroism and wish Ivan a speedy recovery. Let us all strive to be a little bit more like Diya, and to always be ready to lend a helping hand to those in need.