Child Focus Prevention Campaign: Stopping Non-Consensual Sexting and Cyber-Harassment

2023-11-19 05:04:24

Child Focus has launched a new prevention campaign on non-consensual sexting. This practice consists of spreading naked photos of someone on social networks without their consent. The beginning of a real hell for those who are its targets.

Glenn was 15 when he took his own life. In 2017, he was the victim of cyber-harassment. He sees no way out. His mother tells us about this dramatic afternoon in June. “He said to me: ‘I’m going to go jogging.’ I replied: ‘Now?’. We had to visit the family, as we did every evening together. And… I never saw him again“, explains Sandra Spitaels.

His comrades started posting comments

That day, a fake Instagram account was created and an intimate photo of the young man was published without his consent. “His first and last name were written in full. His comrades began posting comments. The photo was even posted to the class discussion group. It seems that Glenn saw no other solution to stop this cyber-harassment than to end his life.”confides Sandra.

“Glenn will never be available again”

Today, Glenn’s phone number was reactivated. “Glenn will never be available again“, we can hear on the other end of the line when we dial his number: 0493.79.58.30. It is in reality an awareness campaign by Child Focus, the Foundation for missing and sexually exploited children. It aims to fight against non-consensual sexting, that is to say the exchange of sexual content without the victim’s knowledge.

With the campaign, we want to better protect young people. We want to reassure them, to say: ‘You are not alone, don’t be ashamed, you need to talk about it, to seek help from a trusted adult or from Child Focus at 116 000“, says Heidi De Pauw, Managing Director of Child Focus.

Up to 15 years in prison

In 2022, the foundation opened 151 files related to sexting. The phenomenon is, however, severely punished by law. “The law changed in 2020. We have article 371/1 of the penal code. This article makes it possible to pursue people who have taken photos, who share them, and in particular very intimate photos“, explains Olivier Bogaert, commissioner at the Computer Crime Unit of the federal police.

The perpetrator faces up to 15 years in prison when the victim is under 16 years old.

A telephone line

Anyone with suicidal thoughts can contact the Suicide Prevention Center crisis line at 0800 32 123 (it is anonymous, free and available 24 hours a day). More info on

#Victim #sexting #Glenn #ended #life #age #photo #class #group #confides #mother

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