Child Benefit: When does the application platform close? – 2024-08-02 05:58:49

Peloponnese Newsroom

It is open from December 19 electronic platform A21 – Child Benefit, to apply for child benefit for the year 2023 and with a closing date of January 15, 2024according to an announcement by the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family.

As specified by the Ministry and OPECA, the platform is available for benefit beneficiaries who have not yet submitted an A21 application for the year 2023 and for those citizens who started the creation of an A21 application, but did not submit it definitively.

It is pointed out that the beneficiaries of the child benefit can submit the application at the link until January 15, 2024. After 15/01/2024 the online platform for submitting the A21 application will be permanently closed and it will no longer be possible to submit for the year 2023.

Those interested in being informed in detail about the Child Allowance, can visit the relevant OPECA page.

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