Child Benefit: Upheaval with payments 2024-02-21 14:24:33

The first installment for Child Benefit 2024 will be paid on Friday 29 March 2024, the last working day of the month of March 2024, to those who will submit a new application.

On the day before the payment, working day Thursday 28 March 2024 and during the followingnoon hours, the money will be available from the banks’ ATMs.

The A21 child allowance is granted, upon application, to Greek citizens, Homogeneous foreigners, citizens of EU member states, citizens of countries belonging to the EEA, citizens of third countries or stateless persons who have been granted the status of refugee or subsidiary protection or residence for humanitarian reasons and are required to reside legally and permanently in the Greek Territory for the last 5 years before submitting the application for the grant of the allowance.

Citizens of other countries, except in the above cases, are required to reside legally and permanently in the Greek Territory for the last twelve years before the year of submission of the A21 application.

The A21 application is submitted once a year from March of each year until January 15 of the following year, through the A21 platform from the website of OPECA or IDIKA SA using the taxisnet codes.

In the meantime, with the aim of supporting the farming mother as well as supporting the income of the farming family, the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family is extending the grant of child allowance to female farmers with one and two children.

The allowance is already paid to the three-child and multi-child beneficiary farmers, within the framework of the financial assistance programs financed by the OPECA Rural Household Account.

The allowance is expected to be paid at the end of May. In particular, a farmer mother with one child will receive 300 euros in her account, while a mother with two children will receive 500 euros.

The allowance for farmers with three children remains at 700 euros and for those with many children at 1,000 euros per year.

Birth allowance: Increase from 400 to 1500 euros – Details of what the provision provides [βίντεο]

Farmers: The convoy started from the Castle, the Cretans arrived in Piraeus – 250 tractors in Syntagma – Which roads will be closed [βίντεο]

Minimum wage: ‘Bargain’ for increase – See where it will range

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#Child #Benefit #Upheaval #payments



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