2023-07-24 18:00:00
Arnoldsburg (West Virginia) – What did they do to the little one? In the US state of West Virginia, a girl (8) in the community of Arnoldsburg jumped from the second floor of her parents’ house with a teddy bear. The little one then wandered around barefoot, begging the staff of a restaurant for food, they are currently reporting New York Post and WOWK.
Ellio M. Hardman (33) and Ryan Keith Hardman (33) are the girl’s parents. © Montage: West Virginia Regional Jail
The heartbreaking scene took place around 10:30 p.m. on July 7. According to the competent authority, the eight-year-old went to the “Family Dollar” restaurant. There the emaciated child had bad things to report.
“The little girl who walked through the store just walked up to us (…) and said, ‘I’m hungry. My mom and dad don’t want me anymore. Do you have anything I can eat?'” said restaurant worker Kelly Hutchinson.
“Having kids of my own, it broke my heart when she said she was hungry and hadn’t eaten,” said Sandra Knicley, another Family Dollar employee. “No little girl should ever feel like she isn’t wanted. Not a child,” Knicley continued.
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The poor girl is said to have had nothing to eat for three days before the window jump. Recently, a sibling gave her a sandwich, according to the authorities.
Shortly following the incident, the police arrested the girl’s parents. Ryan Keith Hardman and Ellio M. Hardman (both 33) are said to have kept their daughter in the house. That’s why she jumped out of the window, the minor said.
According to the student, this was not the first incident. Her parents kept locking her in her room without food for up to a week.
The girl and three other children were immediately taken into care by the youth welfare office following the incident. The parents are in custody.
#parents #dont #anymore