Chiclayo | INPE launches first hypothesis on the death of the ‘Monster of Chiclayo’ in Challapalca prison | Juan Antonio Enriquez Garcia | rmmn | PERU

The head of the National Penitentiary Institute (COMMIT), Omar Méndez, revealed the first hypothesis that is handled around the death of Juan Antonio Enriquez Garciaknown as the ‘Monster of Chiclayo’, inside the prison of Challapalca.

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“He was found dead in an environment in his cell. According to prison intelligence, the thesis is handled that he took his life with a sheet, this is primary. (About a possible murder) that situation should never be ruled out, but it should be noted that everything points to the fact that he took his own life ”, the official explained.

“This has to be confirmed by the Public Ministry and the authorities. However, today my office has arranged for the Internal Affairs Office to arrive tomorrow (Wednesday) at the Challapalca prison to find out more with the investigations, he added.

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Omar Méndez explained that the cell where he was found dead Enriquez Garcia it is located in an environment isolated from the prison population. “He only shared the meditation and observation environment with another inmate, but both were separated”said.

He pointed out that it is being investigated at what time of the day this event occurred with Enríquez García. “We investigate to find out if it happened at a time of relief (of INPE staff) or in another situation that we have to examine with the accompaniment of the fiscal investigations”commented.

“The National Penitentiary Council has ordered the separation from the position of the director of this prison so that the investigations can flow with greater transparency. This is going to have to indicate what could have happened, let us remember that in the prison relays (…), perhaps it could have been at a time when he was not guarded ”he indicated.

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Death confirmed

The National Penitentiary Institute of Peru (INPE) reported this Tuesday that Juan Antonio Enriquez Garcia He was found dead in his cell inside the Challapalca prison, and Puno.

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He was serving preventive detention for kidnapping and abusing a three-year-old minor in the district of José Leonardo Ortiz, Chiclayo (Lambayeque).

Through a statement, the COMMIT He explained that this Tuesday at 9:50 am, the security personnel of the Challapalca prison found him held by the neck with a white cloth, which was attached to one of the ends of the bars of his cell.

Immediately, the prison’s health personnel were notified, who verified that the inmate did not show vital signs, and the prison authorities proceeded to isolate the environment.

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