“Chickens” by Aristophanes: Wednesday, August 21 at the “G. Pappas” in Aigio

“Chickens” by Aristophanes: Wednesday, August 21 at the “G. Pappas” in Aigio

“Chickens” by Aristophanes: Wednesday, August 21 at the “G. Pappas” in Aigio

What would happen if someone arranged the birds to become carriers of a new reality?

After “Perses” and “Prometheus Bound”, Aris Biniaris tackles ancient comedy for the first time and returns with “The Chickens” by Aristophanes.

In this supreme comedy, although the plot is fictional, the theme is real and essential: the “Chickens” present a new beginning, which must be made outside human society, away from saturation, decay and corruption.
Odysseas Papaspiliopoulos and Giorgos Chrysostomou in the roles of Pisthetairos and Evelpides, along with a host of excellent actors: Michalis Valasoglou, Stelios Iakovides, Thanasis Isidorou, Tasos Korkos, Kostas Koronaios, Sofia Kouleras, Augustinos Koumoulos, Maria Kyrozis, Errikos Miliaris , Marios Panagiotou, Kyriakos Salis, Alexia Sapranidou, Konstantina Takalou, Irini Tsellou, will try to establish their own ideal state in the ethers far from people.

The case

Two friends, Peisthetairos and Evelpides, disappointed by the living conditions in their city, are looking for a new place where they can live in peace and joy. Their contact with the world of birds will give them the idea of ​​establishing a new state in the ethers, between earth and sky.

While the construction of the city is in progress, uninvited visitors from the human world arrive, claiming arbitrary powers and privileges, while emissaries of the gods of Olympus protest in dismay at the questioning of divine sovereignty as the new city prevents the fumes from the sacrifices from reach the sky

Will Peisthetairos and Evelpides, with the help of the birds, manage to complete the building of Nefelokokygia? How easy will it be to realize their own utopia?

The show

The direction of Aris Biniaris utilizes the element of ritual with the aim of highlighting the allegorical extensions of the Aristophanic work, while the music and movement place the human condition, transformation and the restoration of a worldly justice at the center of the performance.

With human civilization having reached a liminal moment, the flight of birds resembles a rite of initiation and reconnection of man with the natural world and with the unprecedented power that arises from this relationship.


Translation: Tasos Roussos
Directed by: Aris Biniaris
Dramatic treatment – ​​Adaptation: Elena Triantafyllopoulou – Aris Biniaris
Sets – Costumes: Paris Mexis
Music composition: Alexandros Drakos Ktistakis
Kinesiology: Alexandros Vardaxoglou
Lighting design: Vangelis Moutrichas
Dance Masks: Dimitra Kaisari
Assistant director: Nefeli Papanastassopoulou
B assistant director: Vangelis Prassas
Assistant set designer – costume designer: Alegia Papageorgiou
Contact & Press Office: Maria Tsolaki
Advertising – social media: Renegade Media
Production: Technichoros Theatrical Productions
Promo photos: Mariza Kapsampeli
3D graphics: Erifili Dukeli
Video promo: Thomas Palivos


Pisthetairos: Odysseas Papaspiliopoulos
Evelpidis: George Chrysostomou
Epic: Kostas Koroneios
Chrismologist- Prometheus: Stelios Iakovides
Poet – Iris: Konstantina Takalou
Meton – Herakles: Errikos Miliaris
Commissioner – Poseidon: Marios Panagiotou
Slanderer: Thanasis Isidorou
Dance: Michalis Valasoglou, Thanasis Isidorou, Tasos Korkos, Sofia Koulera, Augustinos Koumoulos, Maria Kyrozi, Kyriakos Salis, Alexia Sapranidou, Irini Tsellou.

In co-production with the Athens Epidaurus Festival.
Press Office – Contact: Maria Tsolaki |6974767890| mtsolaki@gmail.com


Open Air Theater “Georgios Pappas” – Aegio
Wednesday, August 21
Start time: 21.00

Ticket prices

General admission: 23 euros
Reduced for students, unemployed, disabled, over 65: 20 euros.
Pre-sale points: “Synchroni Skepsi” bookstore (Kleomenus Oikonomou 7, Aigio), “Rezerva Accessories and Cosmetics” store (Mitropoleos 64, Aigio), Studio ANGELOS -KAZASSIS (Kl. Oikonomou 19, Aigio) and at www.more.com.
In the context of the “Cultural Summer 2024” events of the Municipality of Aegialia and the Deputy Mayor of Culture and Sports.

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#Chickens #Aristophanes #Wednesday #August #Pappas #Aigio



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