Chicken broth cubes.. you know its other side

Follow – Ali Mualla

Chicken stock, whether cubed or powdered, poses a threat to human life. This is due to the method of preparing and making chicken broth cubes. Its components include the internal organs of poultry, poultry skins and bones. A large, high amount of spices and salt is added and enhanced with flavor to improve its taste and make it more palatable to people.

To find out the damage caused by chicken broth cubes, read the following article:

Migraine headaches and various headaches.

Effect on vision and sense of sight because chicken broth contains “monosodium glutamate”, which may lead to long-term vision loss.

An increase in the rate and percentage of body fat, and this leads to obesity and obesity.

Poisoning humans because they contain a synthetic substance known as E-621.

Increased human risk of cancer, especially gastrointestinal cancer and colon cancer.

High blood pressure because it contains a large proportion of spices and salts, and may also lead to a high blood sugar level, and these health problems increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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