Chicago Bulls – 2022-23 NBA Season Schedule

It’s ready, it’s official: the 2022-23 NBA season schedule finally fell! With takeoff scheduled for Tuesday, October 18, 2022 and landing announced for April 10, 2023, the time has come to pack your bags and check your tickets. So we waste no time, and check the Chicago Bulls’ 100% basketball program right away!

A red pen in one hand, the calendar of his favorite franchise in the other, and we take notes in his TrashTalk Agenda!

Let’s be clear, the 2022-23 season is eagerly awaited by Bulls fans, who finally hope to see what their full armada will give, but also and above all with a year in the paws. No longer benefiting from the excuse of the lack of automatisms, the Bulls will have to respond present, and this from the first game of the season. Yes, huge test for the band in DeMar who will have to go to Florida to face Miami on October 19, before moving on to Washington (lol) then receiving Cleveland and Boston. Hello first week of weirdo.

Well at least they will have peace at the end of the season, right? Absolutely not. From March 17 to April 7, Chicago will know hell by meeting: Sixers and Lakers twice, Wolves, Heat, Clippers, Grizzlies, Hawks, Bucks, Mavs. There you go. We wish a lot of courage to Billy Donovan, who will also have to be careful that his boys do not arrive too exhausted in the Playoffs… while managing to qualify there! Oh yes by the way, the Bulls are also among the teams with the most back-to-backs this season. Come on, we wish good luck to our friends in Illinois.

# Plus long road-trip : 6 games from November 23 to December 4.

# Longest home session: 4 matches twice, at the end of December and the beginning of February, not really the time to put down the suitcases.

# National broadcast matches (TNT + ESPN + ABC): 10, we find that reasonable.

# Number of games played back-to-back: 15, it will sting hard.

# Matches at schedule French for the Bulls :

  • 15/01 vs Warriors (21h30)
  • 19/01 in Paris vs Detroit (9 p.m.)
  • 26/02 vs Washington (21h30)
  • 05/03 vs Indiana (21h30)
  • 26/03 vs Lakers (21h30)
  • 2/04 vs Memphis (21h30)
  • 9/04 vs Detroit (19h)

# A few posters to remember: this little road-trip straddling the months of November and December looks rather funny, doesn’t it? Milwaukee to start strong, then OKC and Utah to have fun, then Phoenix and Golden State to suffer again, before finishing in a good mood in Sacramento. Obviously no question of missing the duel between the Ball brothers in Charlotte during Rivals Week on January 26. We also won’t forget to take a look at DeRozan’s return to Toronto on November 6… before continuing the return match back-to-back but this time in Chicago. By the way, don’t forget to circle the date of January 19 in your diaries, because the Bulls will be in Paris to face Detroit. It would be stupid to forget the most important.

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