Chibolín’s attorney directed the Miu Lei family’s gold company | Kelly Katherine Medina Meza | Andrés Hurtado Grados | Mining | Public Ministry | POLITICS

In companies associated with the investigated and detained individual , known as Chibolín, there is a recurring name: Kelly Katherine Medina Meza, who is listed as the representative or manager of several companies. Additionally, she served as the general manager of Inversiones Los Ceivos SAC, a firm that sells gold ore and was established in September 2018 by Ana María Lei Siucho, the mother of JavierDiego, Jean Carlo, and Sebastian Miu Lei.

Chibolín’s attorney managed the Miu Lei family’s gold company.

MIRA: New revelations against Andrés Hurtado: pressure increases on his legal situation

Chibolín is under investigation by the prosecutor’s office for allegedly intervening with a prosecutor to facilitate the return of gold bars confiscated from Minera Las Lomas Doradas, a company owned by Javier Miu Lei.

Documents accessed by El Comercio reveal that in 2021, Inversiones Los Ceivos sold at least US$425,691 worth of gold ore to Las Lomas Doradas.

Invoice from the company Los Ceivos Investments

Invoice from the company Los Ceivos Investments

Invoice from the company Los Ceivos Investments

Invoice from the company Los Ceivos Investments

The Nexus

Since November 2020, Medina, who is involved in accounting activities according to Sunat, has held a power of attorney granted by AH Entertainment Company, the company owned by Andrés Hurtado. This power of attorney enabled her to legally represent the company and carry out audits, among other responsibilities. In June 2022, she became the general manager of Andrés Travel, a travel agency closely associated with Chibolín; in July of the same year, she assumed the role of manager for AH Gold Entertainment SAC. Since April of this year, she has been the president of the NGO Andrés Hurtado.

Kelly Medina appears as president and Andrés Chibolín Hurtado as treasurer of an NGO created in April 2024.

Kelly Medina is listed as president, while Andrés Chibolín Hurtado is the treasurer of an NGO established in April 2024.

Medina has been associated with Inversiones Los Ceivos since April 14, 2022, when the general shareholders’ meeting appointed her as general manager, a role in which she managed the transfer of shares and the company’s operations, among other responsibilities. Under her management, Los Ceivos increased its capital from S/150,000 to S/6,000,000 due to a capital injection made in December 2023.

The company has been exporting minerals since 2021. That year, it exported US$5,735,757, according to figures from Sunat. In 2023, with Medina at the helm, exports reached US$28,510,942.

Medina’s appointment took place two months after Javier Miu Lei’s company succeeded in getting the Judiciary to order the return of five gold bars that had been seized during an operation against illegal mining. In February 2020, nine gold bars were confiscated in the export vault of Talma Servicios Aeroportuarios amidst suspicions that the mineral was illegally obtained. Five gold bars, weighing a total of 38.29 kilos, belonged to Las Lomas Doradas, owned by Javier Miu Lei. Prosecutor Lucio Sal y Rosas is investigating the matter.

Chibolín's representative assumes general management of the mining company of the Miu Lei clan

Chibolín’s representative assumes general management of the mining company of the Miu Lei clan.

Recently, the Second Prosecutor’s Office for Money Laundering recorded a candid confession from Iván Siucho Neira. He stated that Chibolín had intervened with Senior Prosecutor Elizabeth Peralta to facilitate the return of the bullion belonging to his cousin Javier Miu Lei’s company.

In April of this year, Medina resigned as general manager of Ana Lei Siucho’s company.

That same month, Las Lomas Doradas granted Ana Lei Siucho and her son Javier authorization to conduct banking and stock market operations.

The Trade contacted David Navarro, a lawyer for Las Lomas Doradas, to elaborate on the gold purchases from Los Ceivos and Medina’s connection. He stated that all relevant information will be provided to the authorities: “In this case, the prosecutor’s office is investigating, and all invoices and contracts between the companies will be presented to them.”

The Business Connections of Andres Hurtado Degrees and Kelly Katherine Medina Meza

In connections involving individuals under investigation, particularly , affectionately known as Chibolín, one name recurs: Kelly Katherine Medina Meza. Medina has emerged as a representative or manager for multiple firms, including her role as the general manager of Inversiones Los Ceivos SAC, which specializes in gold ore sales. This organization was founded in September 2018 by Ana María Lei Siucho, the matriarch of the Miu Lei family.

Invoice from the company Los Ceivos Investments

Invoice from the company Los Ceivos Investments

The Investigations Surrounding Chibolín

Andrés Hurtado is currently under scrutiny by the prosecutor’s office. Allegations suggest he used his influence to solicit the return of gold bars that were seized from Minera Las Lomas Doradas, a company owned by Javier Miu Lei. Documents reviewed indicate that Inversiones Los Ceivos reportedly conducted transactions totaling at least $425,691 involving gold ores sold to Las Lomas Doradas in 2021.

Details and Transactions

Since November 2020, Kelly Medina has held a power of attorney from AH Entertainment Company, a venture tied to Andrés Hurtado. This authorization has enabled her to act on the company’s behalf, overseeing various operations including hiring audits. By June 2022, Medina assumed the general manager position at Andrés Travel, a travel agency linked directly to Chibolín, and subsequently became involved with AH Gold Entertainment SAC in July 2022. Recently, she was appointed president of the NGO founded by Hurtado.

Nexus Through Inversiones Los Ceivos

Date Event Details
April 14, 2022 Medina’s Appointment Kelly Medina appointed general manager of Inversiones Los Ceivos.
June 2022 General Manager Role Medina became general manager of Andrés Travel.
April 2024 NGO President Medina appointed president of Andrés Hurtado NGO.

Under Medina’s helm, Inversiones Los Ceivos saw its capital swell from S/150,000 to S/6,000,000 following an infusion of new funds in December 2023. Notably, this company has been actively exporting gold since 2021, reporting an impressive export figure of $5,735,757 in its first year, which skyrocketed to $28,510,942 in 2023.

Key Investigations and Legal Issues

Medina’s ascent within these companies occurred amid significant legal developments surrounding the Miu Lei family businesses. The Judiciary’s decision to return five gold bars—confiscated in connection with illegal mining operations—came shortly after Medina took on her managerial roles. These bars weighed a total of 38.29 kilos and were ultimately traced back to Las Lomas Doradas.

Recent testimonies collected by the Second Prosecutor’s Office for Money Laundering reveal a connection between Medina and Chibolín’s alleged attempts to influence the prosecution to retrieve the gold bars. This unfolding narrative adds complexity to her professional journey and indicates a potentially deeper involvement in the ongoing investigations.

Expert Commentary

“There are significant implications in the connections between these parties. The intertwining of business and legal interests might indicate broader operational patterns related to organized crime.” – Legal Expert

Insights into the Miu Lei Family Companies

The Miu Lei family’s business ventures reflect a broader trend of mineral exploitation in Peru’s rich jurisdictions. Their operations have been scrutinized for connections to illegal mining and associated economic activities. The role of companies like Inversiones Los Ceivos highlights the need for transparency in mining operations.

Practical Tips for Stakeholders

  • Foster transparency: Businesses should prioritize clear reporting and documentation of their transactions to avoid legal entanglements.
  • Maintain compliance: Adhering strictly to local and international laws can safeguard companies against potential legal issues.
  • Engage in due diligence: Conduct thorough background checks and audits when entering new partnerships or engaging in significant transactions.

The Future of Inversiones Los Ceivos and Related Businesses

As the investigations proceed, the future trajectory of both Inversiones Los Ceivos and its associated companies remains uncertain. Stakeholders within Peru’s mining sector are urged to stay alert for developments and engage in discussions around the implications of these legal affairs.

As these events unfold, both public interest and the integrity of the involved businesses will play a pivotal role in shaping future operations within Peru’s gold mining landscape.

The Trade reached out to David Navarro, who represents Las Lomas Doradas, for further clarification about the transactions and Kelley Medina’s involvement. He confirmed that all relevant information is being submitted to the authorities. “The prosecutor’s office is actively investigating, and we will present all necessary invoices and contracts,” Navarro stated.



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