Chewing gum may cause jaw disorder, experts say

Currently, among the eating habits of many people there are some candies which, despite having some positive connotations, could bring serious problems.

So today we will talk about the chewing guma very well-known candy that never goes out of style and although it has points considered beneficial, there is also the possibility that cause a disorder in the jaw. Here are the details.

Benefits and consequences of chewing gum

Chewing gum is one of the most consumed sweet treats worldwide. It is a product that, according to the details of the CML Dental Clinic, It is made from emulsifiers, synthetic plastics, magnesium silicate and calcium carbonate, although It is not considered a bad product for that reason. for health, as long as Do not consume excessively.

If among the benefits offered by chewing gum are the following: increased saliva production, prevent cavitiesrelease endorphins that help with anxiety and stress, there are also negative consequences.

This is the case of the Temporomandibular joint disorder which can be caused by excessive consumption of this candy.

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What is temporomandibular joint disorder?

Temporomandibular joint disorder can cause Pain in the jaw joint and muscles that control the movement of the jaw, according to the Mayo Clinic Institute.

However, their experts explain, in most cases Pain and discomfort are temporary and can be relieved with self-managed care or nonsurgical treatments as recommended by health care professionals.

Chewing gum is associated with temporomandibular joint disorder when it is excessive. This is because The action of chewing involves a constant movement which not only involves the jaw but also different muscles of the face.

Therefore, if you consume a lot of this candy and start to detect symptoms such as earaches, headaches and toothachesyou better consult your family doctor.

Read here: They experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking antidepressants

#Chewing #gum #jaw #disorder #experts
2024-08-16 14:42:59



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