Chestnut seller: “Buying chestnuts is like playing the lottery” – Food & Drink

2023-10-22 17:58:16

“I come from Cairo in Egypt and have been at this stand since 1999. Before that, I sold newspapers for three years, worked in a Chinese restaurant for two years and worked at McDonald’s for over five years. A friend there asked me if I wanted one I want to buy a chestnut stand. I’ve been self-employed with this stand for 24 years now. It’s a quiet job, there was always a lot of stress at McDonald’s. I only work from October to the end of March. I used to work in a temporary agency in the summer, the last two But I’ve been at the AMS in the summer for years because I’m too old. I’m over 60. Three more years and then I’ll retire. Maybe my son or my wife will take over then.

#Chestnut #seller #Buying #chestnuts #playing #lottery #Food #Drink

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