Chemon’s share price is rising.
According to the Korea Exchange on the 23rd, Chemon is trading at 3,130 won, up 400 won (14.65%) from the previous trading day as of 10:58 a.m. on the same day.
The share price of Chemon is interpreted as rising on the news that SK Bioscience’s self-developed chickenpox vaccine ‘Sky Varicella’ will enter the Latin American market through the United Nations’ Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
On the 23rd, SK Bioscience announced that it had exported the first batch of varicella vaccine worth $31.27 million (regarding 37.4 billion won) to Latin America through PAHO.
PAHO regularly assesses potential demand for varicella vaccine from member countries for the purpose of preventing varicella disease in Latin America. Since then, companies with global level of technology and production capacity are selected through a pre-bid and are supplying chickenpox vaccines to countries in need.

- reporter information
- Jeong Se-hee
- [email protected]
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