Chehlam Imam Hussain RA: Strict security measures in Islamabad, Peshawar, alternative routes plan in Karachi – Pakistan

In Karachi, an alternative route plan was issued for the main procession of Hazrat Imam Hussain, Chelum, while in Islamabad, strict measures have been taken for the security of the procession.


The traffic police in Karachi on Monday issued alternative routes for the main procession of Karbala Martyrs to Chehlam.

According to the traffic police, those coming from Nazimabad will be able to go to Nishtar Road from Lasbela Chowk, the traffic coming from Liaquatabad will be diverted to Lasbela Chowk from Tan Hatti, while those going to Shahrah Qaidin will be able to go from Kashmir Road.

The main procession of Chehlum will depart from Nishtar Park, the procession will pass through its traditional routes and end at Hussainiya Iraniyan Imambargah.

Chehlam Imam Hussain RA: Punjab Interior Department has called for the services of Army and Rangers

On the other hand, a ban has been imposed on the double riding of motorcycles across Sindh.


Strict measures have been taken for the security of Chehlum Imam Hussain and Karbala Martyrs procession in Islamabad.

In the federal capital, the procession of mourning for the grandson of Prophet Imam Hussain and the Martyrs of Karbala and Zul-Janah procession will leave from Imam Bargah Azna Ashri G Six Two.