Chef Hakim Chajar answers our questions!

Chef Hakim Chajar answers our questions!

1. What is your favorite dish on the menu at restaurant Ôma?

My favorite dish is raw scallops served with buttermilk, cherries, and rhubarb. This was actually one of the first dishes I prepared for the restaurant. One of my suppliers had assured me that I would receive live scallops, and when they arrived, I was overjoyed. I immediately began creating this dish in a very simple way.

I believe it’s also among the customers’ favorite dishes.

2. To impress your guests, what do you cook?

When cooking for my guests, I always emphasize simplicity and the idea of sharing. I usually prepare three courses so that everyone can serve themselves from the center of the table.

My meals tend to be plentiful yet fresh, featuring items like a whole fish or a whole leg of lamb. I prefer gatherings where everyone can help themselves rather than having each person with a plate in front of them.

3. What is a must-have ingredient in your kitchen?

I would say it depends on the seasons, but currently, I really enjoy cooking with lamb and tomatoes.

4. What ingredient would we not find in your kitchen?

I would say eel. I’m not a fan of eel in terms of taste, and I particularly dislike cooking it. I have tried multiple times, but I’ve come to accept that I won’t be cooking with this ingredient.

5. What is a little-known ingredient that you like to cook with?

The dune pepper. It is a pepper from northern Quebec, with a slight anesthetic quality and a subtle grapefruit aroma. It is an extremely flavorful spice with a beautiful aromatic presence.

1. What is your favorite dish on the menu at restaurant Ôma?

My favorite dish is raw scallops with buttermilk, cherries, and rhubarb. It was actually one of the first dishes I made for the restaurant. One of my suppliers had guaranteed me live scallops and when I received them I was ecstatic, so I set about creating this dish, very simply.

I think it’s one of the customers’ favorite dishes too.

Chef Hakim Chajar answers our questions!

2. To impress your guests, what do you cook?

For my guests, what I like to cook is always in simplicity and with a view to sharing. I will generally make 3 courses so that everyone can serve themselves in the middle of the table.

My meals are gargantuan, but fresh, such as a whole fish or a whole leg of lamb. I don’t like dinners where everyone has their plate in front of them; I prefer that everyone can help themselves.

3. What is your ingredient? must in the kitchen?

I would say it all depends on the seasons, but currently I love cooking lamb and tomatoes.

4. What ingredient would we not find in your kitchen?

I would say it would be eel. I don’t like eel in terms of taste, but above all I don’t particularly like cooking it. I have tried several times, but I resign myself to not cooking this ingredient.

5. What is a little-known ingredient that you like to cook with?

The dune pepper. It is a pepper from northern Quebec, with an anesthetic side and a slight grapefruit smell. It is an extremely tasty spice with a beautiful aromatic presence.

Benefits of Cooking with Seasonal Ingredients

Cooking with seasonal ingredients not only enhances the flavor of your dishes but also supports local agriculture and reduces your carbon footprint. Here are some benefits:

  • Flavor: Seasonal produce is harvested at its peak, making it more flavorful and nutrient-dense.
  • Freshness: Ingredients sourced locally are fresher and often last longer than those that have traveled long distances.
  • Variety: Focusing on seasonal cooking encourages trying new foods and recipes.
  • Environmental impact: Less transportation means a reduced carbon footprint.

Practical Tips for Cooking with Seasonal Ingredients

  1. Visit Local Farmers’ Markets: Engaging with local producers helps you to find the freshest ingredients.
  2. Plan Your Meals: Check what’s in season and plan your meals around those ingredients.
  3. Experiment: Try new recipes featuring seasonal produce regardless of whether it’s your area of expertise.
  4. Preserve Your Favorites: Consider freezing or canning seasonal fruits and vegetables for use in off-seasons.

Case Study: Embracing Dune Pepper in Fine Dining

One lesser-known ingredient that has begun to gain attention in fine dining is dune pepper. Chefs are experimenting with its unique flavor profile, which adds a refreshing twist to standard recipes. Below are some ways chefs utilize dune pepper:

Dune Pepper Applications Dishes
As a seasoning Roasted lamb dishes for a fragrant touch
In desserts Chocolate tart or mousse enhancing sweetness
Infusions Creating unique oils for dressings or marinades

First-Hand Experience: Cooking with Chef Hakim Chajar

Chef Hakim Chajar, known for his innovative use of local ingredients, shares his experiences in the kitchen. He emphasizes the importance of creativity and adaptability in using seasonal produce:

“Cooking with whatever is available not only challenges my skills but also leads to surprising results that my guests love!”

Final Thoughts on Culinary Creativity

Whether you’re a home cook or a seasoned chef, experimenting with flavors and ingredients is essential. By understanding the seasonality of your ingredients, embracing local produce, and using unique spices like dune pepper, you can elevate your culinary creations to new heights while impressing your guests.



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