Proven Coriander is an herb that has been used in food for centuries. While fresh coriander leaves add flavor and aroma to food. If the same dried coriander is soaked in water and used, its effectiveness increases.
Improves digestion
The fiber and essential oils found in coriander activate the digestive enzymes. which perform the task of digesting food particles in a more efficient manner. and relieves flatulence and restlessness.
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Lowers blood sugar levels
Coriander’s bioactive compounds increase insulin sensitivity, which helps lower blood sugar levels. Coriander water soaked daily can be very beneficial for people suffering from diabetes.
Reduces excess weight
Coriander water helps to flush out toxins from the body. They reduce hunger and appetite and encourage healthy eating.
Increases skin radiance
Drinking soaked coriander water daily helps in detoxifying your skin and gives your face a clear complexion.
It removes the nail acne and infection from your face making it shiny and healthy.
Keeps the heart healthy
Coriander seeds lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). This balance is important to protect against heart diseases, such as hypertension.