In the middle of an interview with Radio U, the former head guard of the UOM Sanatorium, assured that there is another case of illegal practice of medicine in the city.

“What continues to hurt me, both nationally and locally, is the double standard of Justice,” said Guillermo Chauderon, convicted of the illegal practice of medicine since May of this year. The man who was chief of duty at a clinic in the city publicly opened the door to another case, similar to his.

“Today we are facing a case that is covered up, that nobody is talking about. Currently there is a case of a false doctor, who works with me at the UOM sanatorium “, he asserted in dialogue with Pile and a half.

Chauderon, carried out an intense private investigation work, and gave an account of it with multiple files that she has compiled, and for which she reaffirmed this situation: “She is a doctor, who for all I have of evidence, worked for more than 13 years without hit the medical school. There is no record of her ever setting foot in a university.”

“I made the complaint anonymously,” he acknowledged in this interview, and concluded forcefully with the name of the accused: “I’m talking about Luciana Hermida.”

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