Chats with Strache – Philipp Jelinek: “It was a mistake”

Last week only repeats of his show “Fit with Philipp” were broadcast. Now the Viennese speaks out himself. “From today’s perspective, you have to say: It was a mistake that I wrote that,” said Jelinek on his Instagram account.

At the same time, Jelinek emphasized that he had only trained in the same gym as Strache and had spoken to him. However, he was never the FPÖ politician’s personal trainer. “And I have never been a member of a political party,” the fitness coach emphasized: “I am someone who is there for everyone.” Over the course of his life, he asked hundreds of people if they could help him with his dream of coming to ORF: “If I had known Werner Kogler, Sebastian Kurz, Pamela Rendi-Wagner or whoever back then, then I would have Of course I asked that too.”

Meanwhile, ORF General Director Roland Weißmann referred to the Jelinek case in an interview with the “Kurier” and emphasized: “This is also about the public image of the ORF. There is a certain level of suspicion, this will be checked and it will be resolved in a timely manner give a decision.”


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