ChatGPT turned out to be better than doctors and helped save a dog from death

Photo: Twitter

After the diagnosis made by the veterinarian and proper treatment, the pet’s condition gradually worsened. The owner of the dog decided to seek help from the neural network and was able to find out the cause of the disease.

The story of the rescue of the dog, the happy owner told in Twitter. It all started with the fact that the dog was diagnosed with a tick-borne disease. At first, the treatment seemed positive, but following a short time, the pet developed anemia and the condition worsened once more. After testing for other concomitant diseases, the doctors might not identify the cause and advised to simply observe the course of the disease. This answer did not suit the owner and he signed up for another clinic.

Between appointments, the user turned to ChatGPT for help and provided all available test results.

The neural network warned that it was not a professional doctor and, following confirmation, issued a list of disease options. Since the pet underwent many tests, the owner ruled out the possibility of internal bleeding and other possible causes.


As a result, the only option left was that the dog developed immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA).


At the appointment with the new veterinarian, the diagnosis made by the neural network was confirmed, and the dog was prescribed the correct treatment, and he began to recover. It is noteworthy that the exact results were given by the GPT4 version, at a time when GPT 3.5 (like the first veterinarian) turned out to be powerless.

Despite the apparent incompetence of the doctor, the neural network has proven that it can be useful in medicine. However, at the moment, you should not completely rely on the opinion of the service, and in any case, it is better to contact a real doctor.

We previously shared how ChatGPT was able to set up a business for as little as $100.



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