ChatGPT Plus in Brazil; See price and benefits

ChatGPT Plus is already available in Brazil, for US$ 20/month you will have access to the benefits of the platform. ChatGPT Plus is the subscription plan that offers availability even when demand is high, faster response speed and priority access to new features.

OpenAi informs on the website that not all people have the button to subscribe to the Plus version active, there is a waiting list that is being expanded little by little, so if you still cannot see the Upgrade to Plus button, know that it should arrive shortly.

What are the benefits of having the Plus version of ChatGPT

Plano Plus ChatGPT

The Plus plan guarantees three features that are beneficial for users.

  • General access to ChatGPT including peak hours
  • Faster responses, no need to wait for him to type the entire result
  • Priority access to new features and improvements to be released

Is the free version still available?

“Yes, free access to ChatGPT will still be provided. By offering this subscription price, we can help keep free access available to as many people as possible. See our article on ChatGPT in general for more information about our offering. free.”

How to subscribe to the Plus version?

To subscribe to the Plus version it is necessary to have a credit card. To get started, find the button Upgrade to Pluson the lateral to the menu.

Subscribe to ChatGPT
Subscribe to ChatGPT

When clicking on the button, a screen will appear showing the benefits, click on the button Upgrade Plan. Soon after, you will be directed to the screen to fill in the payment details, fill in the form and that’s it, you will have an active ChatGPT Plus account.

Subscribe to ChatGPT
Subscribe to ChatGPT
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