Chasing love: – I know that there is a chance that they already have children

The agricultural holding, which consists of both pig and plant breeding, is located in Snevre between Horne and Bjergby – a very small spot on the North Jutland map that few people naturally pass by.

Nevertheless, hundreds of thousands of Danes know a great deal about Jonas’ life and thoughts.

The 32-year-old from Vendel is in the current season of Farmer looking for love on TV 2, where the latest episode has just been made available.

After several years

Here he speed-dates five women who have already written that they would like to meet him in the program, where the camera does not just spin in the cornfield.

Jonas also offers a glass of rosé at Hotel Strandlyst in Tornby.

In 2020, Jonas bought his own farm, located in Snevre in Vendsyssel. Photo: Martel Andersen

– I actually think it went very well. I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be, he says to Nordjyske.

The farmer from Snevre says that it was a friend who signed him up for the program without his knowledge – and one day he was contacted by the production company behind it.

Were you apprehensive about participating?

– No, I just thought I would take it as it came. And when you’re self-employed, you don’t have much time to find a girlfriend. The program could help with that. I’ve only met positive reactions from family and friends – and there are people I haven’t seen for many years who have suddenly written to me after they’ve seen the programme, he says.

A latecomer

The result of the speed dating was that one of the five women had to be chosen from – it was a 23-year-old woman, because Jonas thinks that the age difference was a little too big.

In return, he would like to meet a couple of women who already have children.

One is 33-year-old Stine, who has two boys and lives in Sindal – and who met Jonas earlier at a hall ball.

The other is 30-year-old Katrine, who has two children aged three and seven respectively. She is actually a trained farmer, but works as a teacher in a kindergarten.

And then she reveals in the program that she is open to having a latecomer.

The harvest is about to arrive on the farm, where there is both plant and pig breeding. Photo: Martel Andersen

In relation to getting together with a woman who already has children, Jonas says:

– I know that there is a chance that they already have children, when you think about my age.

– And that’s perfectly fine with me, but she must also want to have children with me – there must be someone to inherit the farm, he says with a smile.

Bought farm in free trade

Jonas was a regular wage earner until he bought his farm in Vendsyssel in free trade in 2020.

Here he has three employees, just as his father helps with the harvest.

The driving force for participation in the program is love and the desire to start a family – preferably with a woman who has a bit of everything. As Jonas says in the programme’s teaser:

– It has to be a girl who can tolerate getting dirty – but who also wants to wear a nice dress and put her hair up when we have to do something together.

In the next programme, Jonas will go on a so-called group date with the four women.

The field narrows when it comes to a future partner who wants to live in Snevre…

2024-08-31 09:27:25
#Chasing #love #chance #children



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