Charting Tomorrow: The Ministry of Finance’s Vision for the 2025 Budget Objectives

Ministry of Finance‘s Strategy to Achieve the 2025 Draft State Budget Target”/>

Deputy Minister of Finance Thomas Djiwandono shakes hands with President Joko Widodo.(Antara)

Deputy Minister of Finance II Thomas Djiwandono said the Ministry of Finance must make extra efforts to achieve the state revenue target as stated in the Draft State Budget of IDR 3,005.1 trillion.

“The Ministry of Finance must do this extra effort supported by adequate resources. Meanwhile, optimization of state revenue is carried out by continuing to consider the investment climate in the three sources of state revenue,” he said in a working meeting with Commission XI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Monday (9/9).

The three sources of income consist of taxes, customs and excise, and Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP). In the tax sector, said Thomas, the Ministry of Finance must strengthen the implementation of the core taxation system (CoreTax System), implementation of the Tax Regulation Harmonization Act.

Then, the Ministry of Finance’s tax sector must be compatible with digital and global taxation systems. This is also accompanied by the provision of fiscal incentives to accelerate investment. In addition, it is also necessary to do joint audit, joint analysis, joint investigation, joint collectionand joint intelligenceas well as organizational and taxpayer arrangements at tax service offices.

Then in the field of customs and excise, said Thomas, the Ministry of Finance must be able to strengthen CEISA, develop adaptive classification of goods in supporting industry and trade, strengthen and develop supervision, and strengthen export and import services.

Meanwhile, in the field of PNBP, the Ministry of Finance must reform the management of natural resources (SDA) and State Property (BMN), development Automatic Blocking System (ABS) and Simbara, and the improvement of derivative regulations of Law 8/2023 concerning PNBP.

Also read: Newly Inaugurated, Deputy Minister of Finance Thomas Djiwandono Ensures Free Meal Budget is in Line with 2025 Draft State Budget

Thomas added that state revenues in the provisional posture of the 2025 RAPBN are equivalent to 12.32% of GDP. This is considered a positive achievement because operational costs in the three areas of revenue sources have been on a lower trend in the last three years.

“When compared with the cost of collection, which is the ratio of operational costs of DJP, DJBC, and DJA to state revenue, the ratio is relatively low at under 1% in the last three years,” he explained.

Meanwhile, from the spending side, the Ministry of Finance must implement and strengthen the principle of quality spending (spending better). The policy that will be taken to implement this principle is through synchronization of central spending and spending to the regions.

Then the policy of strengthening the planning and budgeting system. Then the implementation of the standard cost policy. That is followed by strengthening the monitoring and evaluation of budget performance. Next is the policy of strengthening K/L budgeting. Finally, the policy of strengthening state financial governance.

“The state spending program is managed by DJA and DJPK. There are 60 activity outputs, including priority budget allocation, PDRD policy for local taxing power, improving the village economy through strengthening BUMDes, synchronization of central and regional budgeting,” explained Thomas. (Z-11)

#Ministry #Finances #Strategy #Achieve #Draft #State #Budget #Target

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Title: Ministry of Finance’s Strategies to Achieve 2025 Draft State Budget‌ Target

Meta Description: Learn about the Ministry of Finance’s strategies to achieve the 2025 Draft State Budget target, including extra efforts, optimization of state revenue, and​ strengthening of taxation, customs, ‍and ‌excise​ systems.

Header Tags:

H1: Ministry ⁢of Finance’s Strategies‍ to Achieve 2025 Draft State Budget Target

H2: ⁤Optimization of State Revenue

⁢H2: Strengthening of Taxation, Customs, and Excise‍ Systems

H2: Quality Spending and Budgeting ‌System


The Ministry ‌of Finance is working diligently to achieve ‌the 2025 Draft State Budget target of ⁢IDR ‍3,005.1 trillion. To​ achieve⁣ this goal, Deputy Minister of Finance II⁢ Thomas Djiwandono emphasized the need for extra efforts supported by adequate resources. This ⁣optimization of state revenue ​will be carried​ out‌ by considering the investment climate in the three sources ⁤of state revenue,⁤ namely taxes, customs ⁢and ‍excise, and Non-Tax State Revenue⁣ (PNBP).

Tax⁣ Sector:

In ​the tax sector, ⁤the Ministry of Finance must strengthen the implementation of the core taxation system (CoreTax System) and​ the implementation of the Tax Regulation Harmonization Act. ​Additionally, the tax sector must be compatible with digital and global taxation systems, accompanied by the provision of​ fiscal incentives to accelerate investment. ‌It⁤ is also necessary to conduct joint audit, joint analysis,‍ joint‌ investigation, joint collection, and joint intelligence, ⁢as ⁣well⁢ as organizational and taxpayer arrangements at tax⁣ service offices.

Customs and⁣ Excise:

In the field of‌ customs and excise,‍ the Ministry ⁢of Finance must strengthen CEISA, develop adaptive ​classification of goods in supporting⁤ industry and trade, strengthen and develop ​supervision, and strengthen ⁣export and import‍ services.

Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP):

In the field of PNBP, ‌the Ministry of Finance must ‍reform the management of natural resources (SDA)⁣ and State Property (BMN), develop the Automatic Blocking ⁢System (ABS) and ⁢Simbara, and ‍improve the derivative regulations of Law 8/2023 concerning ‌PNBP.

Quality Spending and Budgeting System:

From the spending​ side, the Ministry of Finance must implement ⁢and ​strengthen the⁤ principle​ of quality spending (spending ⁤better). The policy to be taken to implement⁢ this ⁤principle is through synchronization of central spending and⁣ spending to the regions.‍ Additionally, the Ministry of Finance must strengthen the planning and budgeting system.


the Ministry of ⁤Finance is taking concrete steps to achieve the ‌2025 Draft State Budget target. By optimizing ‌state revenue, strengthening taxation,⁢ customs, and ⁣excise systems, and implementing ‌quality spending and budgeting systems, the Ministry is confident ‌that it can achieve its goal.

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Ministry of Finance’s Strategy to Achieve the 2025 Draft State Budget Target: A Comprehensive Guide

The Ministry of Finance has outlined a comprehensive strategy to achieve the 2025 Draft State Budget target, which is crucial for the country’s economic growth and development. In this article, we will delve into the details of the strategy and its key components.

Optimizing State Revenue

The Ministry of Finance has identified three sources of state revenue: taxes, customs and excise, and Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP). To optimize state revenue, the Ministry will focus on strengthening the implementation of the core taxation system (CoreTax System), implementing the Tax Regulation Harmonization Act, and making the tax sector compatible with digital and global taxation systems. Additionally, the Ministry will provide fiscal incentives to accelerate investment and conduct joint audits, analysis, investigations, collections, and intelligence, as well as organizational and taxpayer arrangements at tax service offices.[[[2]]

Strengthening Customs and Excise

In the field of customs and excise, the Ministry of Finance will strengthen CEISA, develop adaptive classification of goods in supporting industry and trade, strengthen and develop supervision, and strengthen export and import services.

Reforming Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) Management

The Ministry of Finance will reform the management of natural resources (SDA) and State Property (BMN), develop an Automatic Blocking System (ABS) and Simbara, and improve the derivative regulations of Law 8/2023 concerning PNBP.

Quality Spending (Spending Better)

From the spending side, the Ministry of Finance will implement and strengthen the principle of quality spending (spending better). The policy to implement this principle includes synchronizing central spending and spending to the regions, strengthening the planning and budgeting system, implementing the standard cost policy, strengthening the monitoring and evaluation of budget performance, strengthening K/L budgeting, and strengthening state financial governance.

State Spending Program

The state spending program is managed by DJA and DJPK, with 60 activity outputs, including priority budget allocation, PDRD policy for local taxing power, improving the village economy through strengthening BUMDes, and synchronizing central and regional budgeting.


The Ministry of Finance’s strategy to achieve the 2025 Draft State Budget target is a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach that aims to optimize state revenue, strengthen customs and excise, reform PNBP management, implement quality spending, and manage the state spending program. By following these strategies, the Ministry of Finance is confident of achieving the state revenue target of IDR 3,005.1 trillion.

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