Charting the Course of Regional Administration: The Boediono Years

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CHAIRMAN of the Advisory Board of the Indonesian Institute for Public Governance (IIPG) Boediono hopes that the 2024 Pandu Negeri Award can provide encouragement to the dozens of regional governments that receive awards.

“I am sure that our friends in the regional government here will remain enthusiastic in encouraging our friends in the regions to achieve higher achievements,” said the former 9th Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta, Thursday (5/9).

Moreover, he said, the award was deliberately given to motivate all stakeholders, including local governments which are part of the state structure.

Boediono assessed that what the regional government obtained was evidence of a long journey in the field of governance. “I am sure this will continue because the work (of governance) will never be finished in 1-2 years. This is a long journey,” he said.

IIPG Managing Director Irham Dilmy explained that there are two assessment criteria used, namely performance and governance with each assessment weighting being 60:40.

The governance aspect assesses the acquisition of an unqualified opinion, the bureaucratic reform index of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform, “Describes the level of renewal or improvement efforts towards the governance system, especially the institutional aspect,” he explained.

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Next, he said, monitoring data on the achievement of performance coordination and supervision of corruption disbursement, the data for which was taken from the Corruption Eradication Commission which assessed all regional governments.

Furthermore, the second aspect, he said, measures the rate of gross regional domestic product (GRDP), the ratio of regional original income (PAD) to the APBD, the value of the human development index (HDI), and regional innovation from the results of the assessment of the accuracy of the public service sector of the Ministry of PANRB.

The assessment team, he said, consists of experts, academics, and practitioners of government science, public administration, to the Board of Trustees and the IIPG Supervisory Board. (Ant/Z-2)

#Boediono #Governance #Regional #Government #Long #Journey


The 2024 Pandu​ Negeri Award: Boosting Regional Government Governance in Indonesia

The 2024 ​Pandu Negeri Award, presented by the Indonesian Institute for Public Governance (IIPG), ⁣aims to recognize and encourage excellence in‌ regional government governance in⁢ Indonesia. This prestigious award is a testament to⁢ the tireless efforts of local governments ​in striving for better governance, and serves as a motivation to​ continue improving their performance.

The Importance of the Pandu Negeri Award

According⁢ to Boediono, Chairman ‍of the Advisory Board of IIPG and former Vice President‍ of the Republic⁣ of Indonesia, the ⁣Pandu Negeri Award is crucial in​ acknowledging the progress made by regional governments⁢ in the ​realm of governance [[1]]. The award is deliberately designed to‌ motivate ​all stakeholders, including local governments, to work towards achieving higher standards ‍of governance.

Assessment Criteria

The IIPG uses‍ two primary assessment criteria to evaluate the performance ⁤of regional governments: performance⁢ and governance, with a weighting of 60:40, respectively [[3]]. The governance⁢ aspect assesses the acquisition of‍ an unqualified opinion, the bureaucratic reform index of ‌the Ministry of State ‌Apparatus Empowerment ⁣and Bureaucratic Reform, and describes the ⁢level​ of renewal or⁤ improvement efforts towards the ​governance system, especially the ⁢institutional aspect. Additionally,‍ the award evaluates monitoring data⁤ on the achievement of⁢ performance coordination and supervision of corruption disbursement,⁤ with data taken ‌from the Corruption Eradication Commission.

Regional⁣ Governments Recognized for Excellence

Recent⁣ recipients of the Pandu Negeri Award include the‌ City of Tangerang, which received the award directly from Boediono [[2]]. Similarly, the East Lampung Regional⁣ Secretariat also received the award, demonstrating their commitment to improving governance in their region [[1]].

A Long Journey in Governance

Boediono emphasized that the Pandu Negeri Award is not a one-time achievement,⁢ but rather a ⁣milestone‍ in the ‌long⁣ journey of governance [[1]]. He stressed that the work of governance is never finished, ‍and regional governments must continue to ‍strive for excellence in their performance.


The 2024 Pandu Negeri Award is a testament to the dedication and perseverance of regional⁤ governments ‍in⁢ Indonesia. By⁤ recognizing and encouraging excellence in governance, the ​IIPG plays a vital ⁢role in⁢ promoting good governance practices across the country. As Boediono​ aptly put it, ​”I am sure this will⁢ continue because the work (of governance) will never be ‌finished in ​1-2 years. This is a long journey.”

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The 2024 Pandu Negeri Award: Boosting Regional Government Governance in Indonesia

The 2024 Pandu Negeri Award, presented by the Indonesian Institute for Public Governance (IIPG), aims to recognize and encourage excellence in regional government governance in Indonesia. This prestigious award is a testament to the tireless efforts of local governments in striving for better governance, and serves as a motivation to continue improving their performance.

The Importance of the Pandu Negeri Award

According to Boediono, Chairman of the Advisory Board of IIPG and former Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, the Pandu Negeri Award is crucial in acknowledging the progress made by regional governments in the realm of governance [[1]]. The award is deliberately designed to motivate all stakeholders, including local governments, to work towards achieving higher standards of governance.

Assessment Criteria

The IIPG uses two primary assessment criteria to evaluate the performance of regional governments: performance and governance, with a weighting of 60:40, respectively [[3]]. The governance aspect assesses the acquisition of an unqualified opinion, the bureaucratic reform index of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform, and describes the level of renewal or improvement efforts towards the governance system, especially the institutional aspect. Additionally, the award evaluates monitoring data on the achievement of performance coordination and supervision of corruption disbursement, with data taken from the Corruption Eradication Commission.

Regional Governments Recognized for Excellence

Recent recipients of the Pandu Negeri Award include the City of Tangerang, which received the award directly from Boediono [[2]]. Similarly, the East Lampung Regional Secretariat also received the award, demonstrating their commitment to improving governance in their region [[1]].

A Long Journey in Governance

Boediono emphasized that the Pandu Negeri Award is not a one-time achievement, but rather a milestone in the long journey of governance [[1]]. He stressed that the work of governance will never be finished in 1-2 years, and requires continuous effort and improvement. This award serves as a motivation for regional governments to continue striving for excellence in governance, and to inspire others to follow in their footsteps.

the 2024 Pandu Negeri Award is a significant recognition of the efforts of regional governments in Indonesia to improve their governance. By acknowledging their achievements and motivating them to continue striving for excellence, the award plays a crucial role in promoting better governance in the country. As Boediono emphasized, governance is a long journey that requires continuous effort and improvement, and this award serves as a milestone in that journey.


[1] – Pemkot Tangerang Raih Penghargaan Anugerah



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