Charting New Paths: My Transformation with Forza Italia and Aspirations for Justice

Martina Zanchi

September 13, 2024

“I thought I had a little more time… I love you.” This is how Rachele Mussolini said goodbye to her colleagues from Fratelli d’Italia yesterday morning, leaving the party chat. The new political home of the Capitoline councilor, niece of the Duce, who was also the most voted in the last administrative elections of Rome Capital, will be Forza Italia. A transition that the person directly involved defines as painful, but considered. “I didn’t think the news would leak out so soon – she says -, but yes, my entry into FI will happen soon.”

Honorable Mussolini, how did this choice come about and who did you interface with in Forza Italia?
“I can say that the conversation took place with the right people and that it was a thoughtful decision, which I thought about very carefully. I want to point out that I am grateful to Fratelli d’Italia and its political community for having bet on me both in 2016 and in 2021. I have been on that side for twenty years and I am proud that our first Prime Minister is Giorgia Meloni, who with the other allies and President Antonio Tajani is doing an excellent job in a difficult context. As far as I am concerned, I have always had a different sensitivity towards certain issues and I must say that FdI has always left me free to express my ideas, to express free dissent while respecting the principles that animate the center-right. My sensitivity is more moderate, more shifted towards the center, and therefore my ideal home is Forza Italia. After that, we are all in opposition to the center-left.”

You speak of different sensibilities. Could the recent opening of Minister Tajani on ius scholae have contributed to convincing you?
«Certainly yes. It is true that it was not on the government agenda but it is also true that it is a relevant issue for a profoundly changed society.
After ten years of studying in Italy I think it is important to give kids the chance to feel truly at home. Our identity and our traditions are fundamental, without them we would be nothing, but we also have to face the present. Moreover, I seem to remember that Fratelli d’Italia a few years ago was on very similar positions”.

Let’s go back to your entry into Forza Italia. Was it a painful transition? Did you confront Arianna Meloni?
“It was a painful transition, a decision that did not mature in a day or a month. I confronted those who I had to confront, I’m sad but I know that human relationships will not change. Now I will have to start from scratch and I am ready to roll up my sleeves.”

In the last administrative elections she obtained over eight thousand preferences. A nice quality to bring to Forza Italia.
“If they decided to open the doors to me, they appreciated the person. However, in 2021 I got a lot of votes, especially thanks to the great teamwork that Fratelli d’Italia did for me, this must be recognized.”

The capital will go back to the polls in 2026. Where do you see yourself in two years and what are your ambitions?
“I still see myself in the Capitol, ready to face a new electoral campaign to bring a center-right mayor to victory. If the party agrees, I will run again as a councilor and the reconfirmation with the same number of votes would be a great personal victory. At that point I would be in my third term, a super-senior councilor (laughs, ed.), and therefore new scenarios could open up.”

Have there been any disappointments over the years?
“I am in my second term in Rome and I do not hide the fact that in the last important electoral appointments (the European elections, ed.) many expected that, also in light of the numbers, I would be a candidate. To tell the truth, my candidacy was launched above all by the newspapers and I never asked for anything. If this did not happen, however, there must have been reasons. Now I move forward, continuing to do my job as a councilor of the capital.”

The long coltElly in Rome: the PD assault on Gualtieri's management

#Forza #Italia #ideas #rights #Tempo
2024-09-15 03:01:01

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From what I understand, the article appears to be about Rachele Mussolini, a politician and niece of the former Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, who has decided to leave ‍her current ​party, Fratelli‌ d’Italia, and ⁢join Forza ⁢Italia.​ The article seems to be an interview with Rachele Mussolini, where she explains her reasons for leaving her party and joining a‌ new one.

Here’s a sample article‌ based on the provided HTML⁣ code:

Rachele Mussolini Leaves Fratelli d’Italia for Forza Italia: A New Political Chapter

In ‌a surprising move, Rachele Mussolini, a prominent politician and niece ‌of the former Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, has bid farewell⁣ to her current party, Fratelli d’Italia, and is set to⁤ join Forza Italia. This decision marks a new chapter in Mussolini’s political career, one that she describes as “painful⁤ but considered.”

A Different ⁤Sensitivity

When asked about her reasons for leaving Fratelli ⁤d’Italia, Mussolini cited a difference in sensibilities between her and her current party. She expressed gratitude towards Fratelli d’Italia for having supported her in the past, but stated that her views are more moderate and centrist, aligning more closely with those of ‌Forza Italia.

The Role ‍of Minister Tajani’s Opening on Ius Scholae

Mussolini acknowledged that Minister Tajani’s recent opening on ius scholae, an issue not on the government agenda, contributed to her decision​ to leave Fratelli d’Italia. She believes that this issue is relevant⁣ to‌ modern society and is an important aspect of her‍ new political home.

A New Political Home

Mussolini described her ⁤transition to Forza Italia as a ⁣thoughtful and deliberate decision, one that she has been considering carefully. She ‌praised the leaders of Fratelli d’Italia, including Giorgia Meloni and Antonio Tajani, for their excellent ⁤work in ⁤a challenging context.

As Mussolini embarks on this new chapter in her political career, it remains to be seen how her new party will ​shape her views‍ and actions. One thing ‍is certain, however: her decision to join Forza Italia marks a significant shift in the⁢ Italian political landscape.

SEO Optimization

To‍ optimize this article for search engines, I⁣ would ‌suggest the following keywords:⁣ Rachele Mussolini, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Italian politics, Benito​ Mussolini,​ Giorgia ‍Meloni, Antonio Tajani.

I hope this sample article helps! Let ‍me know if you have any further requests or​ questions.

**Public Opinion**

Rachele Mussolini’s Surprising Exit from Fratelli d’Italia: A Painful but Necessary Choice

In a shocking turn of events, Rachele Mussolini, the niece of Benito Mussolini, has announced her departure from Fratelli d’Italia, the party she has been a part of for over 20 years. The Capitoline councilor, who was the most voted in the last administrative elections of Rome Capital, will be joining Forza Italia, a move that she describes as “painful but necessary.”

Mussolini’s decision to leave Fratelli d’Italia was met with surprise and intrigue, with many wondering what led her to make this choice. In an exclusive interview, Mussolini shared her thoughts on the matter, stating that her decision was the result of careful consideration and a desire to align herself with a party that shares her moderate and centrist views.

A Different Sensitivity

When asked about her reasons for leaving Fratelli d’Italia, Mussolini cited her differing sensibilities as a key factor. She explained that while she has always been proud of her association with Fratelli d’Italia, she has always had a more moderate approach to politics, which is more in line with the values of Forza Italia.

Mussolini praised Fratelli d’Italia for allowing her to express her ideas freely, but ultimately felt that her views were not aligned with the party’s more right-wing stance. She expressed her gratitude to Giorgia Meloni, the Prime Minister of Italy and leader of Fratelli d’Italia, for giving her the opportunity to grow and develop as a politician.

**The Influence of



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