Charting New Paths: A Comprehensive Guide for Cubans Moving to Spain

More than 600 families have started a new life in a hundred Spanish villages in recent years thanks to the Arraigo Project, many of them making the one-way trip from Cuba to Spain.

“We bring entrepreneurs to the rural world in 11 provinces of Spain,” explained Enrique Martínez Pomar, director and founder of the initiative, during a recent talk in Madrid. “And now we are in full expansion,” he told the press.

This year, thanks to new alliances, the Arraigo Project has added dozens of municipalities in Castilla y León and Castilla-La Mancha, in addition to launching an innovative programme that attracts new inhabitants from Cuba to rural areas of Spain.

With eight years of experience, the company has established itself as one of the most influential in its field, standing out for its unique approach: acting as a bridge between the urban and rural environment, connecting people who want to change their lifestyle with towns looking for new residents.

“It is very nice when a family arrives and settles down: you see that they are happy in the village, that they have a wonderful welcome. But there is a lot of work behind it, from my colleagues, from the families. It is a long and complex process,” Yolanda Fernández, project director and head of relations with organisations for Proyecto Arraigo, told the Innovaspain website.

Project Arraigo: from Cuba to Spain

There is a specific Arraigo Project program in Cuba, which takes you to Spain if you meet the requirements.

According to them, the international office has already launched a program in collaboration with Havana, Cuba, which has already allowed families to be brought to places such as Belmonte and Beteta, in Cuenca; Medina de Rioseco, in Valladolid; and Lerma, in Burgos.

This initiative encourages the development of rural Spain, while migrant families receive a unique opportunity to improve their situation and build a new future.

Proyecto Arraigo has a network of local technicians who are familiar with rural areas and assist those interested in finding housing, jobs or entrepreneurial opportunities.

They also organise at least one visit to the village before the move. Once the families move, the team continues to support them in their social integration process.

Although in some cases the process is faster, achieving “successful settlement,” with registration and long-term stability, generally takes between eight months and a year.

#emigrate #Cuba #Spain

⁣ What are the⁤ main goals of​ the Arraigo Project ⁤in revitalizing rural ‍Spain?

Reviving Rural Spain: ⁤The Arraigo Project’s ⁤Innovative Approach

Bringing New Life to Spanish‍ Villages

In recent years, over 600 families have embarked ‍on a new journey, leaving their old lives behind and starting afresh in rural Spain, thanks to the pioneering Arraigo Project. This ⁤remarkable initiative has paved the way for‍ individuals and families to relocate from urban areas, including those from Cuba, to​ experience a new ‌way⁤ of life in more than ⁤100 Spanish villages.

A Vision for Rural Revitalization

The Arraigo Project’s⁤ director and founder, Enrique Martínez ‌Pomar, explained the project’s mission⁣ during a ​recent talk in Madrid: “We⁣ bring entrepreneurs to the⁢ rural ⁢world in 11 provinces of Spain.” This ​year, the project‌ has expanded its‍ reach, forming new alliances and adding dozens of municipalities in Castilla y León and Castilla-La Mancha. A⁣ groundbreaking program has also been launched, attracting new inhabitants from Cuba to rural areas of Spain.

A Unique Bridge Between Urban and Rural

With ⁢eight years of experience, the Arraigo Project has established itself as a leader in its field, ‍recognized for its innovative approach. By acting as a bridge between the urban and rural environments, the project connects individuals seeking ​a lifestyle change with towns in need of ​new residents. This synergy has resulted in numerous success stories, where⁤ families have found ⁢happiness ⁤and‍ a sense​ of community ⁤in ⁢their new rural homes.

The Challenges and Rewards

Yolanda ⁤Fernández, project director and head of ⁢relations with organizations for Proyecto Arraigo, shared her insights with Innovaspain: ‍”It’s wonderful to see a family arrive ‌and settle down, ​feeling happy⁣ in the village with a warm welcome. However, ⁢there’s a lot of work behind it, from my colleagues and‍ the families themselves. It’s⁢ a long and complex process.”

From Cuba to Spain: A New Beginning

The Arraigo‌ Project‌ has a specific program in place for individuals from Cuba,‍ offering a unique opportunity to start anew in Spain. ‌In‍ collaboration with‌ Havana, Cuba, the international office has ⁢already brought families to places like Belmonte⁢ and Beteta in Cuenca, Medina ⁢de Rioseco in Valladolid, and Lerma in Burgos. This initiative not only‌ supports the development of rural Spain but also provides migrant ⁢families with ‍a unique opportunity⁣ to build ⁣a better life.

Empowering Rural Communities

The Arraigo Project’s impact extends beyond the individual families it has helped.​ By revitalizing ⁣rural areas, the ​project is contributing ‌to the growth⁤ and development⁤ of​ local economies. This, in turn,‍ is helping to preserve the rich cultural heritage and traditions of rural Spain.

As⁤ the project continues to expand, it is ⁣clear that the Arraigo Project is paving the‍ way for ​a brighter future for‍ rural Spain⁢ and its new inhabitants. With its innovative⁢ approach, commitment to community development, and dedication to supporting migrant families, this pioneering initiative is an inspiring example of the positive impact that can be achieved through collaboration and vision.

Keywords: ⁤ Arraigo Project, rural Spain, migration, Cuba, entrepreneurship, community development, lifestyle change, ⁢rural revitalization.

Urban Life and Rural Opportunities**

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the Arraigo Project:

Reviving Rural Spain: The Arraigo Project’s Innovative Approach

In recent years, over 600 families have embarked on a new journey, leaving their old lives behind and starting afresh in rural Spain, thanks to the pioneering Arraigo Project. This remarkable initiative has paved the way for individuals and families to relocate from urban areas, including those from Cuba, to experience a new way of life in more than 100 Spanish villages.

A Vision for Rural Revitalization

The Arraigo Project’s director and founder, Enrique Martínez Pomar, explained the project’s mission during a recent talk in Madrid: “We bring entrepreneurs to the rural world in 11 provinces of Spain.” This year, the project has expanded its reach, forming new alliances and adding dozens of municipalities in Castilla y León and Castilla-La Mancha. A groundbreaking program has also been launched, attracting new inhabitants from Cuba to rural areas of Spain.

**A Unique Bridge Between



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