Charting New Horizons: Innovative Approaches to Emerging Migration Trends

The Greek side, as reported by police sources, will increase deterrence measures at our land and sea borders. Evros in the previous period showed a small increase in migratory flows due to its strong protection, however in the sea and mainly in the South Aegean, in the first 7 months of 2024, an increase of 80%-90% compared to 2023, with the transfer migrants from Turkey to Greece.

Immigration: Storms over Germany’s Schengen repeal

The strong reaction of all its neighboring countries is caused by the German government’s decision to essentially abolish the Schengen free movement agreement, initially reintroducing controls at the EU’s internal borders for six months.

This action by Berlin, which was more or less expected, given the great rise of the Far Right in the recent elections in the states of Thuringia and Saxony, is a threat to the neighboring countries. It also poses a threat to the European asylum and migration policy as a whole, with all that this implies for the so-called frontline countries, such as Greece, Italy or Spain.

According to the Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, which is leading the reactions, the decision of the German government is completely unacceptable, because it uses its neighboring countries, which are members of the EU, as a “shield” and completely closes the tap to the entry of prospective refugees from third countries. As Mr. Tusk mentioned, Germany, instead of actively helping the front-line countries, so that there is more effective control at the EU’s external borders, is closing its own borders with the other member states.

The German government is taking advantage of EU legislation, which is rather “cloudy” on this issue, since it allows member states in exceptional circumstances to reintroduce checks on Schengen travelers, i.e. those moving across the EU’s internal borders. E. Initially the controls can be imposed for six months, while they can be extended even for two years. The justification is controlled by the Commission, which, however, has so far not rejected any request from a member state to impose controls.

It seems that Germany’s policy change is not at all temporary and this should concern countries like Greece and in general those that are on the periphery of the EU, i.e. they have borders with third countries. And it doesn’t seem temporary because they are cutting benefits to prospective refugees, thus sending a message not to attempt to enter German territory.

If Germany reneges on its obligations under the European Pact on Migration and Asylum, then third countries such as Turkey that have signed agreements with the EU will either do the same or begin to they extort trade-offs in order not to do so.

It is recalled that the Pact, which was the subject of tough negotiations between the member states for many years, is an integrated Community policy, which for the first time gives importance to solidarity. The E.U. it has a permanent, legally binding, but flexible solidarity mechanism to ensure that no Member State is left alone when under pressure.

It also provides for the management of migration at the external borders of the EU. through control of irregular arrivals of third-country nationals and establishing fast, efficient and streamlined procedures for asylum and return.

The Pact presented in June by the Commission has been submitted to the Home Affairs Council, and will then be used as a basis for the preparation of Member States’ national implementation plans, which must be submitted by December 2024. Based on the public implementation plan, the next step is for Member States to draw up their respective national implementation plans by 12 December 2024.

All of the above is now put into question in practice, which predisposes to intense confrontations between the member states and indeed at the highest political level, that of the European leaders.

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