Charlotte Gainsbourg and Yvan Attal, family birthday in the middle of the desert


07/22/2022 at 7:05 PMUpdated 07/22/2022 at 6:47 PM

Invited to the Jerusalem Film Festival this weekend, the Gainsbourg-Attal clan took the opportunity to treat themselves to a trip to the desert.

To celebrate her 51st birthday, on July 21, Charlotte Gainsbourg and her family flew to Israel. The actress and performer took to her Instagram account to reveal several excerpts in photos and videos. The opportunity for her to display the pretty complicity that binds her three children, born of her relationship with Yvan Attal.

Charlotte Gainsbourg and Yvan Attal with family in Israel, July 21, 2022.


Parents and children made a first stop in the south of the state, in the desert surrounding the village of Shaharut. An exceptional setting that visibly inspired Charlotte Gainsbourg, still as passionate regarding photography: Yvan Attal and his eldest Ben (25) arm in arm, young Jo (11) in the shoes of the photographer with her mismatched socks, Alice ( 19 years old) with a distant gaze facing the sun…

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Jo and Alice, the daughters of Charlotte Gainsbourg and Yvan Attal, on vacation in Israel, July 21, 2022.


On Friday, the family left the desert and returned to the city to take part in the Jerusalem Film Festival. Charlotte Gainsbourg was indeed invited to defend, not one, but two of her latest films: “Les Passagers de la nuit” by Mikhaël Hers, released last May, but also “Les Choses Humaines”, directed by her companion Yvan Attal and in which their son Ben plays.

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There is no doubt that the clan appreciates this joyful summer family reunion, he who has long been split between several countries. After having lived in New York for seven years with her daughters, Charlotte Gainsbourg and her youngest returned to live in France at the start of the pandemic, to be closer to theirs. Alice, on the other hand, remained in the United States to pursue her higher education there.

Read also: Charlotte Gainsbourg “broken” by the death of her father, she remembers



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