Charles Philibert-Thiboutot: Road to World Athletics Championships in Budapest

2023-06-12 21:50:01

It’s really a relief, said the runner in an interview with Radio-Canada Sports. Honestly, it’s been a long time since I’ve been so happy crossing the finish line.

This weather allows him to meet the standard established for the world athletics championships in Budapest this summer. Philibert-Thiboutot is therefore practically qualified for the worlds.

The standard changes the approach for the rest of the season, he admitted. As I’m practically qualified, I don’t need to do any more races. We are aiming for a large training block of four weeks, without interruption, until the Canadian championships. Then I will have another two and a half week block before the Worlds.

It will allow me to arrive in peak form in Budapest. Without the standard, I would have had to do several races, which is not ideal for reaching peak form.

An unexpected competition

Philibert-Thiboutot had not planned this competition, on French soil, in his calendar. It was while discussing with a runner friend that he decided to participate.

I did a race in Oregon at the beginning of June. I did a good time, but I had several collisions. I knew I could go for a few seconds on this time, says the half-founder from Quebec. At that time, I chatted with a French friend who told me about two races in France. He helped me register.

He therefore took a Vancouver-Paris flight in the days preceding the Paris event.

I didn’t have many hours of sleep. The day before the race, I felt my energy level a little low, it was normal. When I started the warm-up, before the race, I had good legs. I didn’t let the lag discourage me though.

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Philibert-Thiboutot is happy with his performance, but totally satisfied. He knows he can still do better.

I had a difficult start, there were scrambles and crashes in front of me. I was last in the first 150 meters. I ended up strong, I’m very happy with the time, but I know that there is still a small margin at the strategic level to seekhe acknowledges.

Charles Philibert-Thiboutot will compete in Nancy, France, next Sunday, after which he will head to Montreal, where he will compete in the Classique d’athlétisme.

Then it’s time for the four-week training block, before the Canadian championships in Langley, British Columbia, at the end of July.

Finally, head to the world athletics championships in Budapest, from August 19 to 27.

With information collected by Jean-Philippe Martin

#standard #Charles #PhilibertThiboutot

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