Build Olympus-Worthy Upper Pecs with Charles Glass’ Incline Bench Secrets
We often hear that the key to impressive chest development involves hitting that lower pec region. What many athletes overlook is the crucial role of focusing on upper pec development. This strategic approach can lead to a more complete and balanced physique. Renowned bodybuilding coach Charles Glass, nicknamed ‘The Godfather of Bodybuilding,’ emphasizes the importance of the incline bench for achieving impressive upper pecs.
Would you believe me if I told you that many champions who have possessed premises upper pecs utilized this technique?
Glass acknowledges that some shoulder involvement is likely, but insists the upper pec gets stimulated effectively.”
“You’ll get some shoulder involvement, but the thing of it is, you work that upper pec so much and if you do it right, you work from here all the way across [the chest] to where you have the lower, you’re working down here [lower on the pec line]. That part never gets worked. But if you look at most of provides clients we have a higher incline,” He explained that recomm”
“Always Start With Incline
Clues & Theresa “That’s Kind of what you see from most of my clients. Higher Incline means heavier weight,
Kennedy, classic andrico,
and remember!」
Here’s a closer look at Glass’s thoughts on achieving the perfect incline bench technique:
*I always stress the importance of form.
My clients:
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