Charges against 17 close associates of Trump for overturning the result of the election

Close associates of Donald Trump appear to have entanglements with the Justice Department. A court in Arizona has indicted 18 people for trying to sway the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

These are persons who tried to overturn the result in the 2020 elections so that O Donald Trump. Among the 18 is Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s former personal lawyer and former mayor of New York, his spokesman Ted Goodman confirmed.

The indictment alleges a conspiracy to give the state’s electors to Trump, although the Biden won in Arizona in 2020 by a narrow margin.

The defendants allegedly lobbied the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, the Arizona House of Representatives and the Arizona Senate, as well as then-governor Doug Ducey to change the outcome of the election.

The attorney general of Arizona, a key state for this year’s presidential election, said charges have been filed against 11 local Republican officials — who said they were Trump voters — as well as seven other people from out of state.

According to the Washington Post, the seven individuals include former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows, lawyers Gina Ellis and John Eastman, Republican campaign adviser Boris Epstein, as well as Giuliani.

Trump has not been charged, but is named in the indictment as one of the conspirators.

Biden won this southwestern state by a little more than 10,000 votes over Trump, but many Republican party officials spoke, without presenting evidence, of fraud.

According to newsit, despite Trump’s defeat in Arizona, his representatives signed documents certifying his victory.

After Michigan, Georgia and Nevada, Arizona is the fourth state to prosecute people who tried to create an alternative voter list.

Meadows, Giuliani, Ellis and Eastman are also accused in Georgia for a similar case, with the justice of this state having also brought charges against Trump.

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