CHARGE OF FORMER AMERICAN PRESIDENT: Donald Trump as a leader of “shitty country”

Donald Trump is in the news once more, this time not because of his sweeping declarations, but because of one of his dozens of evenings of fine parties he organized with women of obvious lewdness , especially with this porn star who more than once sent him to “7th heaven” in the 2000s. One year before the presidential election in which he intends to take part, it is a scandal which would have gone well, especially in this puritan America where sexual behavior very often influences and determines the political career of candidates for elected office. This trait of sexual behavior, Donald Trump shares it with other senior American officials, such as Gary Hart who had to give up his candidacy for the presidency of the country in May 1987 for having cheated on his wife and lied regarding his extramarital relationship when the pot – aux-roses was discovered. And how not to go back in time to quote the first sexual scandal at the top of great America, that of Thomas Jefferson in this case, which had splashed the latter in 1802 when the inappropriate affair he had with his minor slave , had been made public? We will obviously not forget John Kennedy whose list of sexual escapades is as thick as an encyclopedia, even less Bill Clinton who found himself stuck in the most resounding “bunga bunga” of the XXAnd century, with the Monica Lewinsky affair, named following his intern with whom he had several sex parties in the Oval Office.

Seen from “Gondwana”, all this tumult around Donald Trump’s extramarital escapades, ready to smile

The last known prank before that of Donald Trump is that of Anthony Weiner, former candidate for the municipal elections of 2013, who was disqualified for having been caught several times in the act of soliciting, and for having sent a close-up of his underwear with a suggestive bump to one of his many conquests. If the sexual appetite of senior American officials is known to all. The case of Donald Trump, who admits to using his celebrity to obtain the favors of women, is burdened with aggravating circumstances in this case, since he allegedly bribed his partner in 2016 to obtain her silence; which earned him to be charged and summoned by the New York Justice on April 4, 2023. We do not know if in this case of morals, the former president will lose the battle for the truth which matters little to him , but we know on the other hand that he will win that of the ratings and will take the opportunity to reposition himself in the race for the presidency in 2024, at least if the investigation opened into his role in the assault on the Capitol by his supporters in 2021, does not result in his conviction and therefore the invalidation of his candidacy, as provided for in the American Constitution. Neither his outrageous statements nor his conspiratorial delusions can save him if necessary. Because, you can’t behave like a leader of a “shitty country” in this America where you don’t trifle with impunity with sexual morality, and where private life is inseparable from public life. But seen from “Gondwana”, therefore from Africa, all this tumult around the extramarital escapades of Donald Trump, ready to smile. Because, it wouldn’t occur to anyone to prosecute a politician of this stature for this trivial and commonplace incident in our tropics. Many of our leaders are compulsive seducers, once morest whom no prosecution for harassment or fornication is possible. The former President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, the former Gambian Head of State Yahya Jammeh and the last absolute monarch of Africa who has reigned unchallenged over Eswatini for 37 years, King Mswati III for not to name him, are known to be the most lascivious leaders on the continent if not the world, and are certainly laughing at this pending legal saga once morest Trump for a mere peccadillo. In Africa, those who have the courage or the temerity to raise such hares are prosecuted and tracked down by Justice in the best of cases, for crimes of lèse-majesté, offense to the Head of State or invasion of the private life of the president. And that is why it is not uncommon to see girls parade through some of our palaces in alluring necklines, for the happiness and sometimes for the misfortune of the chef, like what would have happened to this president of a large country in West Africa, whose heart gave way following “work of common interest” of rare intensity with a peripatetician.




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