Chapter 3 – Fortnite Season: New Weapons and Balance Adjustments

A new season in fortnite involves several changes in the availability of weapons. It is common for new ones to be introduced, for some to return from the camera and for some to continue from the previous season. And this time we have all three cases.

There are two new weapons. The combat submachine gun it can wreak havoc, but you’ll need to get familiar with its recoil if you want to get the most out of it. The Ram Rifle (Burst Assault)for its part, has a custom sight and is a two-shot semi-automatic weapon.

As for the weapons taken from the camera, many of them have changes from their previous appearances. Below, you will find all of them listed and, if they have been modified, also the settings they have received.

  • Assault rifle with thermal scope (semi-automatic, faster fire, reduced damage and increased recoil).
  • Barrel Shotgun (Slower shot, increased damage, lower spread, and better reduction).
  • Revolver (faster fire, reduced damage, and increased spread).
  • Remote explosives (increased damage against vehicles).
  • Revolver with thermal sight.
  • Stormscout Marksman Rifle.
  • shock grenade.

Those that remain from Season 1, on the other hand, do not have any changes, although they will probably be adjusted – just like the rest – in future patches. Again, we list them so you can see them.

  • Command Assault Rifle.
  • Pump action shotgun and battering ram.
  • Automatic shotgun.
  • Secondary pistol.
  • Stinger submachine gun.
  • Hunter marksman rifle.
  • Shadow Tracker.
  • Accurate six-round revolver.
  • Triumph.
  • Explosive Sniper Rifle.

You can know all the news of season 2 of chapter 3 of Fortnite by clicking on the following link. The highlight is the removal of construction, although it will not include competitive modes.

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