Chapter 14 of Where is Elisa from August 05

Detective Rivas (Jorge Enrique Abello) looks for Adelaida (Cristina Umaña) in the Santa Fe neighborhood, where it is believed that Elisa’s mother is looking for her daughter, because they told her that they had seen her there. However, the lady is forcibly held by unknown men.

See also: Where is Elisa | Chapter 13 | Adelaide is missing

Aníbal (Lucho Velasco) sees his wife María Antonia (Anabell Rivero) arrive with Nicolás (Jacques Toukhmanian). Aníbal, very upset, asks what is going on and Nicolás tells him that they were at an event and María Antonia had too many drinks. Aníbal asks Nicolás to get away from his wife.

Thanks to the security cameras, the authorities find the place where they hid Adelaida’s truck. With this clue, Rivas finds the location of the lady.

Don’t stop reading: Where is Elisa | Chapter 12 | Isabel confesses that she has a relationship with Vicente

During the rescue operation, Cristóbal put his life at risk to save Adelaida and Cruz (Carolina Sabino) cries in anguish because of the risk that he ran.

Briceño (Roberto Cano) tells Cruz that he thinks Cristóbal likes Adelaida, because he was willing to give his life for her. Also, Briceño tells him that he would only do that for Cruz.

Cristóbal complains to Vicente León (John Paul Gamboa) for having hired Linares, who is not a trustworthy man, and for not having informed him. Rivas asks the León for help to find Elisa and stop hindering the investigation.

It may interest you: Where is Elisa | Chapter 11 | Vicente believes that he is guilty of Elisa’s disappearance

The next day, while his companions search for the minor in a town near the city, Cruz tells Adelaida and Vicente that the bracelet and the man who spoke to the woman was a hoax and that Linares is probably behind that bracelet. trap.

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Aníbal talks to his wife and tells her that Alejandra (Mónica Pardo) is hurting herself and that right now she needs them to be together. Because of the above, María Antonia tells Nicolás that their relationship is over.

Not to be missed: Where is Elisa | Chapter 10 | María Antonia fears that her infidelity will be discovered

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