Chapter 111 of Francis the Mathematician of July 2, 2022

After Fernando’s father arrived in Bogotá in Francis the MathematicianSantiago Cadavid seeks help from Eugenia to find information regarding the displaced on the coast.

Don’t stop watching: Francisco, the mathematician T1 | Chapter 110 | Fernando’s father arrives in Bogotá

Fernando confesses to the teacher Carmen that the uncertainty regarding his father has him so worried that he does not want to play soccer in physical education class, Don Eusebio tries to find a market place to work and thus obtain the necessary money to survive in the capital. . Harrison becomes delirious due to the fever, Luna looks for water to soothe the child, and Dora apologizes to Manuel for the arguments they both had over Tatiana.

The owner of the pension offers Luna a job during the nights in a bar, she feels disrespected and Professor Carmen finds a contact for Fernando who might help him find information regarding his father.. John Mario with his team begins to record for the channel’s commercials, Gabriela will dress up as a nurse to promote a drugstore and the workers of the politician Rafael de Caro discover that the new project of the Gato It doesn’t have permission to air.

Don Eusebio reacts angrily to the payment he receives for his work, since he considers that it is not enough for all his needs. John David meets his new managerChacho gives Marcela driving lessons and Rafael de Caro plans to denounce the Gato because his television channel is illegal. The Red Cross gives Fernando some advice to find his father, while Eugenia and Juan Francisco pretend that they just met in a restaurant.

Fernando’s father tries to communicate with his son by phone, Marcela hurts the arm of Chacho with the car and Eugenia gives Juan Francisco a list of organizations that might have information regarding the whereregardings of Don Eusebio.

John Mario agrees to be the project coordinator for the neighborhood channel, Chacho She asks Marcela to call Mariana to lend her money so she can get medical attention for her arm. Ezequiel finds out that his nephew is in the clinic following an accident with the car and Mariana agrees to accompany him to visit the injured man.

Fernando celebrates that his father called him, he tells Carmen that Juan Francisco is also helping him look for information and Emilio wants John David to see him more as a friend than as a boss. New Banana Records Artist Exchanges Phone Numbers With An Attractive Singer and Don Eusebio finds a 50,000-peso bill on the floor of a store.

To revive: Francisco, the mathematician T1 | Chapter 109 | Tatiana says goodbye to Fernando



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