Chaos in SYRIZA – Sokratis Famellos is not resigning

Peloponnese Newsroom

The situation in SYRIZA is chaotic after Kasselakis’ decision to remove Sokratis Famellos and install Nikos Pappas.

The whole background of Sokratis Famellos’ karatomization – Why did he choose N. Pappa for K.O.

Stefanos Kasselakis “caratomized” Sokratis Famellos as president of K.O. of SYRIZA, however he stated that he is not resigning, and referred the party leader to the rules of the House.

From the floor of the meeting, the current president of the KO of SYRIZA, Sokratis Famellos, said, among other things, that he is not resigning, so the members of the KO will decide. According to information, the deputies will first place it and then the vote will take place.

It should be noted that the proposal that will be put to a vote includes the following changes: Nikos Pappas, president of K.O., Giorgos Gavrilos, Yiannis Sarakiotis and Nina Kasimati are proposed as parliamentary representatives. Iota Poulou is proposed as coordinator of the sector heads and Rallia Christidou as deputy coordinator. On the contrary, Theodora Tzakri is saved and remains in the position of K.O.’s secretary.

More in a moment…

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#Chaos #SYRIZA #Sokratis #Famellos #resigning



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