Changing Telecom Services: Impact of Inflation and Consumer Behavior

2023-08-08 22:15:00

A recent study shows that more than a third of French people claim to have changed their purchases of telecommunications services due to the economic situation, and in particular inflation. These expenditure adjustments, to which must be added the fact that price increases by players in the sector were less steep than for other consumer goods, nevertheless made it possible to improve consumers’ perception of value/price.

The results of the global study was published by the consulting firm Simon-Kucher has released the results of its latest global study on telecommunications. 8,000 respondents from 18 countries participated, including 430 French. This study, conducted every year, analyzes the behavior of households in the inflationary context of recent months, the perception that consumers have of their telecommunications provider and trends in the termination rate.

Telecom services return to pre-COVID level in terms of importance

The first part of the study, which focuses on the market environment, reveals that the importance of services for consumers is normalizing, following having exploded in 2020 and until last year due to COVID and the rise of telecommuting. Broadband, mobile and TV services have indeed lost nearly 20 points of importance compared to 2022.

Inflation has impacted consumer behavior

The inflation observed since the beginning of 2022 has had an effect on consumer behavior. A third of them claim to have changed their consumption of telecommunications services: either by reducing their level of service, for a lower price (20%), or by switching to a more competitive supplier (20%), or even by reducing their expenses for ancillary services (30%).

Price, the most important criterion for consumers

The price/value perception of telecommunications services has however improved compared to last year (+14 points): 1 out of 2 French people believe that these services have a fair or even affordable price.

Price remains the first criterion in terms of importance for consumers of services, favored by 40% of respondents on mobile and 30% on broadband.

However, the importance of network stability is diminishing, while other more qualitative criteria (brand, speed of fault resolution) are emerging.

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