Changes radicalized the project, says lawyer – La Razón de México

Constitutional lawyer Francisco Burgoa said that the recent changes to the judicial reform “radicalized” the project, since “it seems” that now it is only a revenge against the Judicial Branch of the Federation and its head Norma Piña, for defending the Constitution.

In an interview with La Razón, he said that, with the new changes, judicial reform has been radicalized, because not even in the terms of the original proposal by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on February 5 is the central issue that should be sought, which is justice, addressed.

“How to guarantee, how to strengthen people’s right to justice. This is because the review of the draft opinion is leaving out the strengthening of access to justice and, instead, it is clear that the only thing the Morena deputies want is to carry out a revenge against the Judicial Branch of the Federation,” he said.

How to guarantee, how to strengthen people’s right to justice (…) it is clear that the only thing the Morena deputies want is to carry out revenge against the Judicial Branch

Francisco Burgoa, Constitutional Lawyer

Burgoa said that the changes to the reform are only to consummate the resentment they have against Minister Norma Piña and the ministers who have voted in favor of defending the Constitution.

He said that the changes to the ruling are only related to matters of form and detail, because it still maintains the essence of the President’s ideas, which is to reduce the full Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) from 11 to nine ministers; the fact that the elections of judges, magistrates and ministers are carried out.

“We see that the observations from the forums were not addressed, because Morena never wanted to change anything; it only maintained the issue of gradualness in the election, because that gradualness will be carried out in the end. They will leave the consummation of these elections for 2027 and, therefore, according to what is foreseen, it will be consummated in a total manner, with all the adjustments and that is what will be approved in the Chamber of Deputies,” he asserted.



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