Changes in the body that ‘peanuts’ make.. Why does blood vessel aging slow down?

Unsaturated fatty acids contribute to blood vessel health by reducing triglycerides and cholesterol

Unsaturated fatty acids from ‘peanuts’ or peanut butter are in the blood. It has a good effect on blood vessels. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Among nuts, walnuts and almonds are attracting attention, and there is a feeling that peanuts are being pushed back. Peanuts, like other nuts, have a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, so they have the function of clearing the blood and cleaning the blood vessels. It is rich in antioxidants that slow down the oxidation (aging, damage) of the body, and it also helps to slow down the aging of the skin and internal organs. Learn more regarding the health benefits of peanuts.

◆ Hyperlipidemia symptoms… Why do peanuts purify the blood?

Saturated fatty acids, which are abundant in fat in meat, increase the level of bad neutral fat and cholesterol in the body, increasing the risk of vascular disease. On the other hand, unsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid, linoleic acid), which are abundant in peanuts, do the opposite. It reduces triglycerides and serum cholesterol and helps blood circulation. ‘Bad’ LDL cholesterol decreases and ‘good’ HDL cholesterol increases. It is controlled so that hyperlipidemia (dyslipidemia) in which the blood is cloudy does not deteriorate into vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, stroke (cerebral infarction-cerebral hemorrhage), and heart disease (angina pectoris-myocardial infarction).

◆ The reason why ‘peanut butter’ is good for health… It is important not to eat too much

Peanuts are beneficial for weight loss because of their unsaturated fatty acids. It has a lot of vegetable protein, so it keeps you full and prevents you from overeating. Peanut butter is good for health, unlike the prejudice of the word ‘butter’, because of the effect of these peanuts. Contributes to brain cell, skin, and heart health. It is also good for weight loss if you avoid overeating and eat in moderation. However, some products add palm oil and sugar to save cost and taste. When buying peanut butter, be sure to check the ingredient label carefully.

◆ Slows aging and helps skin health

Vitamin E in peanuts helps to slow down the aging of the skin or internal organs through its antioxidant action. Tocopherol and phytosterol also have a lot of ingredients, so they have the same effect. It helps prevent cell damage due to oxidation in the body and contributes to maintaining skin elasticity. Rich in lecithin and amino acids, it increases concentration and helps brain health by being involved in the formation of brain cells.

◆ Be careful with peanut allergy and storage… Safe to keep refrigerated or frozen

People with peanut allergies should avoid eating them as they can cause swelling of the skin and difficulty breathing. Due to the fat content, overeating can lead to weight gain. All nuts, including peanuts, require careful storage. Shelled peanuts or unsealed walnuts are prone to rancidity. Even in winter, if you leave it in a well-heated living room, it can go bad. Nuts are safe to eat following refrigerating or freezing them when needed.



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