Change for a privacy indicator on iPhone?

Since iOS 14, there is a small tool on all compatible iPhones that lets you know if your camera or microphone is running in the background. This solution takes the form of a small orange or green light which automatically turns on in the status bar of the mobile, installed at the top of the screen. The objective is to alert you in the event that a publisher uses these sensors without warning you and outside of their own app.

With the arrival of the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max next week, this indicator could be moved elsewhere on the interface. Always placed at the top of the slab, it would find itself this time in the middle, between the FaceTime HD camera and the TrueDepth sensor dedicated to Face ID. Either exactly the position we were talking about yesterday, when the case of the pill + punch duo was mentioned during a last-minute facelift.


In fact, while it was thought that this area would instead be made up of pixels turned off to give the two sensors a more “comfortable” oblong appearance, Apple would therefore dedicate it to privacy. Information that it is however not possible to verify as of today, but which should materialize on the occasion of the keynote Far out. scheduled by Apple in Cupertino on September 7. To view it, you will have to be on deck at 7 p.m. (metropolitan France time).

What more on the security side?

During Wednesday’s conference, Apple should also come back to the advantages offered by iOS 16 and perhaps reveal new ones. The operating system is the one that will equip the iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Plus, iPhone 14 Pro et iPhone 14 Pro Max when they come out – if those names are true.

Among the software features dedicated to protect your privacy, we can notably cite the locking of notes with a password or the end-to-end encryption of conversations exchanged via the Messages app. With iOS 16 also comes the possibility of limiting access to your data to you and only you in the event of harassment. - Official App – Official App

By: Keleops AG

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