Champion’s Ashes, the new secret of Dark Souls 3 not to be missed!

Champion’s Ashes, the new secret of Dark Souls 3 not to be missed!

2024-03-03 11:34:43

We’re blessed this year, and it’s only the end of February. As if the official reveal of Erdree’s Shadow wasn’t exciting enough (and a healthy dose of nightmares), now there’s a Dark Souls expansion screaming for our attention.

Dark Souls 3: Champion’s Ashes is a NexusMods download that completely transforms and refreshes what is easily one of FromSoftware’s most iconic titles. We wouldn’t say it’s as good as Bloodborne or Elden Ring, but when it comes to Souls-only titles, Dark Souls 3 wins hands down.

Be sure to take the time to see exactly what awaits you in the Champion’s Ashes mod.

Imagine our happiness when we discovered this nugget before our eyes, and free of charge for our greatest pleasure. Those who have already tried this mod are incredibly impressed; one fan even offered to donate to whoever created it. Not that paying for good work isn’t the minimum, but it’s rare to see people so blown away that they’re willing to pay for something free.

Another fan said: “I love how detailed some of the move sets are. It’s really cool to see what we can do with cut animations/weapon arts and existing ones to make weapons more unique to use. They continued: “It also saddens me to see that FromSoft hasn’t put more effort into the game’s combat system. This sometimes shows that the community is doing a better job than the actual developers.” Keep up the good work. »

We don’t want to criticize the developers, however, since Dark Souls 3 was released in 2016, making it a pretty old game by industry standards. However, we agree that what the modder has achieved here is truly wonderful.

If you need to prepare yourself for the new DLC-ready version of Elden Ring’s worst boss, playing Champion’s Ashes is a good way to do so, and will offer you a chance to savor a classic once once more. It’s a win-win.

#Champions #Ashes #secret #Dark #Souls #missed

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