Chamomile: A Natural Miracle for Modern Life – Benefits, Uses, and Tips

2023-04-30 02:49:38

modern life

Chamomile is a natural plant that improves the health of the body in different ways, thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, among others.


Chamomile is an infusion that has accompanied man since the first civilizations. The Egyptians even used it to treat malaria and in the ancient Roman Empire it was common to take it to treat urinary tract infections.

It is also known as the A noble chameleon and “it is without a doubt a miracle of nature. It is credited with the ability to protect and repair the gastric membrane, helping to correct digestive system problems”, according to the portal Nutrition and Pharmacy.

According to a study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), dried chamomile flowers contain terpenoids and flavonoids, which contribute to their medicinal properties.

Among other benefits, It is believed that the regular intake of chamomile infusions favors the control of the glycemic index or the amount of sugar in the blood, for which reason positive effects are often attributed to diabetic patients.

Likewise, it has been used for the treatment of skin wounds, thanks to its phenolic compounds and tannins that facilitate the production of collagen, which is essential for the healing process.

What are the medicinal benefits offered by chamomile:

Calm and reduce anxiety

  • An infusion of chamomile can help calm down in situations where people are upset.
  • The moment in which it is used the most is when you go to sleep, since it helps to fall asleep.

Helps good digestion

  • The infusion of chamomile helps the body at the digestive level in times of need. In situations in which a meal is not digested well and there is discomfort.
  • In addition to this, thanks to its antimicrobial properties it might prevent the growth of Helicobacter Pyloria bacterium that increases the risk of forming gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  • Chamomile calms the digestive system, but also the nervous system.

Helps control diabetes

Relieves menstrual cramps

  • Its good calming effects at the digestive level, together with its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, means that this plant also helps to control the pain caused by the onset of menstruation.
  • An infusion of chamomile can be taken from the third week of the menstrual cycle.

Helps wounds and skin impurities

  • In addition to helping the body’s general immunity, chamomile tea helps protect cells from external damage. This prevents the skin from becoming infected or damaged by inflammatory processes.
  • On the other hand, chamomile is composed of phenolic compounds and tannins. These help slow cell aging and promote collagen production, which is important for skin healing.

What is the best way to consume it?

There are several ways to use chamomile, but the most common way and from which some of the benefits mentioned above can be obtained is the infusion.

Leave the flowers to infuse in hot water for 10 minutes and then strain the drink. It can also be combined with other herbs, such as mint, to enhance the flavor and properties of the plant.

Likewise, a trick that they deliver from the portal gardenland is to use chamomile for a relaxing bath, for this you only need to heat a considerable amount of water and add two handfuls of chamomile flowers. After a few minutes, remove the flowers and use the water to bathe. It is advisable to carry out this process before sleeping to rest better.

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