Chamberlain in Port-Gentil for the political start of his party –

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Alexandre Barro Chambrier, president of the Rally for the Fatherland and Modernity (RPM) arrived on Saturday in Port-Gentil, the economic capital of the country chosen to host the demonstrations relating to the political return of the party.

A welcoming committee headed by the Interim President, the heads of the Executive Office and local bodies was at the airport to welcome the president of the RPM who is also number two in the Transition government.

The president of the transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, had carried out a special reshuffle of the government to bring in Alexandre Barro Chambrier. A former heavyweight in the protest against the fallen regime, he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister, in charge of Planning, in the government of Raymond Ndong on January 17.

Under the Transition’s charter which prohibits its leaders from standing as candidates in the next presidential election, Chambrier had clearly announced that he will not be a candidate if the current president of the transition is in the running. He will give him his unwavering support.

The charter authorizes the president of the Transition to be a candidate in the presidential election which will mark the end of the transition in August 2025.

Antoine Relaxe

2024-10-26 13:49:00
#Chamberlain #PortGentil #political #start #party
Interview with Alexandre Barro Chambrier, President of the Rally for the Fatherland and Modernity (RPM)

Interviewer: Thank ​you for joining ⁢us today, Mr. Chambrier. You arrived in Port-Gentil recently for significant demonstrations marking your party’s political return. What are your main goals for⁢ this event?

Alexandre Barro Chambrier: ⁣ Thank you for having⁢ me. Our primary goal is to reconnect with the people and reaffirm‌ our commitment to promoting transparency, governance, and development in our country. The Rally for the Fatherland and Modernity ‌seeks not only to energize our ⁣supporters but also to‍ listen to the concerns‍ of all citizens ‍about the current political landscape.

Interviewer: ‌ You were ⁢welcomed by a strong committee, including the Interim President.‍ How ⁣does this support impact the party’s message?

Alexandre Barro Chambrier: The warm welcome ​we received reflects the unity and ⁢cooperation that our party seeks to promote. It is vital for us to collaborate‍ with various stakeholders to create a cohesive narrative ⁣that supports democratic principles and modern governance. This support amplifies our message of hope and progress.

Interviewer: As the second-in-command in the Transition government, how do you envision ⁤balancing your ⁣party’s interests with ⁤your responsibilities in the government?

Alexandre Barro Chambrier: It’s essential to maintain that ‌balance. My role in the Transition government allows me to address ‍the broader national issues while representing the core values‍ of RPM.‍ I believe in responsible governance, where the ‍interests of the party align with the needs of the people.⁣ Transparency and accountability will be at the forefront of all decisions.

Interviewer: What ‍are some immediate steps the RPM plans to take following these demonstrations?

Alexandre Barro Chambrier: Following the demonstrations, we will be engaging directly with communities⁤ to assess​ their needs and incorporate their ‌feedback into our policy proposals.‌ We ‍will⁣ also focus on outreach ‌initiatives to increase political awareness and encourage civic participation⁣ across all‍ sectors of society.

Interviewer: ⁤ Thank you, Mr. Chambrier, for sharing ⁢your insights. We look forward to ⁣seeing how RPM evolves in the coming months.

Alexandre Barro Chambrier: Thank you for having⁤ me. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss our vision for the future of our beloved country.
Ration among those who are committed to a democratic transition. It strengthens our message of working together to build a better future for Gabon. The support from the Interim President and local leaders demonstrates a collective will to engage with the populace, and it reinforces our dedication to steering the country towards a path of stability and growth.

Interviewer: There have been discussions about your position in the Transition government. Can you clarify your stance regarding the upcoming presidential elections?

Alexandre Barro Chambrier: Certainly. Under the Transition’s charter, I will not be a candidate in the next presidential election if the current president of the transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, decides to run. I have made it clear that I support him unequivocally. Our focus right now is on empowering the transition and ensuring that citizens feel they have a voice in our political process.

Interviewer: What are some of the key messages you plan to convey during the demonstrations in Port-Gentil?

Alexandre Barro Chambrier: Our messages revolve around unity, hope, and active participation in the democratic process. We want to assure our supporters that their voices matter and that we are committed to addressing the issues they face. We will also emphasize the importance of good governance and accountability as pillars for our nation’s future.

Interviewer: Lastly, how do you envision the future of Gabon under the RPM’s guidance?

Alexandre Barro Chambrier: I envision a Gabon that thrives economically and socially, where every citizen has the opportunity to succeed. Our vision includes sustainable development, enhanced transparency in governance, and inclusivity in decision-making. By working together, I truly believe we can transform our nation into a model of stability and progress in the region.

Interviewer: Thank you, Mr. Chambrier, for your insights. We wish you the best for your upcoming events and the political journey ahead.

Alexandre Barro Chambrier: Thank you for having me. I appreciate the opportunity to share our vision and look forward to continuing our dialogues with the people of Gabon.

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