Chamber of Deputies Condemns Hamas: Demand for Release of Argentine Hostages

2023-11-06 23:07:40

Through a statement the Chamber of Deputies expressed his “strongly condemns and repudiates the terrorist actions perpetrated by Hamas from the Gaza Strip and within Israeli territory.”

“Our unconditional solidarity with all the victims and their families. We do not accept and condemn, as we have always done, all types of violence as a method to resolve conflicts between countries and we urge compliance with the resolutions of United Nationsespecially 1,397 (2002) of the Security Council that upholds the need to fulfill the concept that two states, Israel and Palestine, live side by side within secure and recognized borders,” reads the text.


Deputies called a special session to demand the release of Hamas hostages

The Chamber of Deputies will hold a special session on Wednesday to demand the release of Argentine hostages captured by the group Hamas following the attack on Israel.

At the request of the libertarian deputy and presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, and his new PRO partners, the venue will open on Wednesday, at 10, with the intention of discussing draft resolutions that require the Government to increase efforts to free the Argentine hostages of Hamas, following the attack of October 7.

Milei’s session demand was accompanied by seven members of the PRO: Cristian Ritondo, Hernán Lombardi, Dina Rezinovsky, Fernando Iglesias, María Luján Rey, Laura Rodríguez Machado and Sabrina Ajmechet.

The agenda also includes other projects in harmony such as that of Karina Bachey (PRO), Ajmechet and that of Karina Banfi, who requested a call to the Foreign Minister, Santiago Cafiero, and the Secretary of Human Rights, Horacio Pietragalla, to provide details of the situation of Argentines residing in Israel.

Following the condemnation of the Chamber of Deputies to the attack and solidarity with the victims, the session will be held under the demand that the Government “provide the necessary means to manage the release of the Argentines who remain kidnapped.”

Furthermore, that the aforementioned officials report on the situation of Argentine citizens who are in Israel and those who were repatriated and explain the actions taken by the State to contain the relatives of the hostages.


Call by Cecilia Moreau to block heads of the Chamber of Deputies.

Call for block meeting

In parallel, the head of the Chamber of Deputies, Cecilia Moreau, called the party block leaders to a meeting this Tuesday to agree on actions regarding the situation faced by Argentines who continue to be kidnapped by the terrorist group Hamas.

“I am pleased to address you for the purposes of calling you, in your capacity as presidents of the Blocks, to a meeting to be held on Tuesday, November 7 at 1:30 p.m. in the Hall of Honor, with the in order to analyze and generate consensus around the actions of this House regarding the delicate situation of the Argentine hostages in the hands of the terrorist organization Hamas,” says the letter sent by Moreau.

#Deputies #repudiated #terrorist #actions #Hamas #demand #release #hostages



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