Challenges and lessons learned in district heating

About the episode

Heating in buildings accounts for over half of residential energy consumption via space heating and hot water production, and therefore represents a significant share in CO2 emissions. In the energy transition, district heating is able to provide sustainable heat by distributing heat from various sustainable heat sources to the consumer.

However, the implementation of district heating networks comes with many challenges. These challenges include issues around roles & responsibilities, business cases and tariffs, and customer participation and satisfaction in the district heating market. How to overcome these challenges and what are the lessons learned so far?

Johnny Hesp, Energy & Sustainability Solutions Specialist at Accenture, Arno van Gestel, Director Sales Heat at Vattenfall, and Erik Stronk, Chairman of Heat Network Foundation (“Stichting Warmtenetwerk”), discuss the challenges and lessons to learn for district heating networks and stakeholders. Especially, challenges relating to roles and availability of sustainable sources are discussed, as well as an outlook to the future.



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